*Pozq is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove
Pozq is a malicious virus the sole purpose of which is to lock your files via encryption and then blackmail you for the decryption key. Pozq attacks silently, showing almost no symptoms, and most users only learn about the attack once their files have been locked.

This type of computer infection has exponentially grown in popularity among hackers during the past decade. Currently, Ransomware is one of the most common and most dangerous forms of malware. However, its attack is very specific in the sense that a threat such as Pozq won’t harm the computer, steal the user’s data, or spy on its victim in order to collect some sensitive personal info. The only target of most Ransomware cryptoviruses is the files of the user. However, the virus doesn’t seek to harm or steal those files. Instead, it simply makes them inaccessible through the use of a sophisticated data-encrypting algorithm.
To some users (ones that don’t keep sensitive or important files on their computers) this type of malware attack may not seem like a huge deal. However, statistics and practice show that a big portion of the Ransomware victims do indeed have some form of valuable files on their computers. Now, having backups of one’s important data could practically nullify the potential harm done by Ransomware. However, most users don’t have the habit of backing up their files, which, in turn, leads to the high effectiveness of viruses such as Pozq, .Nuis , Nury or .Powd.
The Pozq virus
The Pozq virus is a file-targeting Windows threat that can quickly encrypt all user files present on the attacked computer, making them inaccessible. The Pozq virus then offers its victim a chance to restore their files by paying a ransom to a specified virtual wallet.
Since most hackers who create and use Ransomware don’t want to risk having the ransom transaction traced by the police, they typically request that the payment is made using a cryptocurrency instead of regular money. Bitcoin is the most popular ransom-payment cryptocurrency at the moment since it’s easy to buy Bitcoins and it’s very difficult to trace transactions made using them.
The Pozq file decryption
The Pozq file decryption is an action that will release the encrypted files after the corresponding decryption key is applied. The Pozq file decryption is oftentimes the only way to recover files that have been taken hostage by a Ransomware virus.

This, however, doesn’t mean you should immediately pay the ransom sum as soon as you see the ransom note on your screen – quite the contrary. Since you have no way of knowing if you would actually receive the needed key from the hackers after you pay them, it is much better to first try all other potential solutions that may be available. Speaking of alternative options, you can find some suggestions in the recovery section of our removal guide for Pozq. Just don’t forget to first remove Pozq itself from your computer because, even if you don’t manage to bring any of your data back, you should still make sure that the malware doesn’t stay on your computer or else it may lock up new files that you download or create.
Name | Pozq |
Type | Ransomware |
Data Recovery Tool | Not Available |
Detection Tool |
We tested that SpyHunter successfully removes Pozq* and we recommend downloading it. Manual removal may take hours, it can harm your system if you re not careful, and Pozq may reinstall itself at the end if you don’t delete its core files. |
*Pozq is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove
Remove Pozq Ransomware

The first thing you ought to do that will help you remove Pozq is stop its process or processes, thus preventing the Ransomware from further encrypting more data and making it inaccessible to you. To do this, you must press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys which will open the Task manager of your PC. Then select Processes and try to find the process run by the Pozq virus. This may require some time, and you will have to use your own discretion to determine which of the listed processes is behind the virus. Do not expect a process with the name Pozq in the Task Manager – advanced threats like this one will likely not make it that is for their victims to stop them.
The idea here is to look for listed processes that are consuming large portions of the RAM memory of your PC and of its CPU power. Data encryption takes a considerable amount of system resources, so it is likely that the Pozq process would be using quite a lot of those on your computer. It can help if you turn off all programs that are presently open on your PC including the browser which would decrease the number of simultaneously running processes and potentially make it easier to spot the one you are looking for. If you think that a particular process from the Task Manager may be the one linked to Pozq, we suggest that you first search its name on Google or another reputable search engine to find out what results come up. It is not uncommon for less experienced users to mistake a regular and legitimate system process for one related to a virus.

After confirming that the process you suspect isn’t from your OS by looking up its name, proceed to right-click on said process and select the Open File Location option. Each of the files that you find in the newly-opened folder must go through a malware scan. You can use the free professional scanner available below or your own antivirus/anti-malware program. For best results, we suggest combining the two scanning options.

If any traces of malware code is detected during the scanning of the files, you must end the suspicious process from the Task Manager by right-clicking on it again and this time selecting the End Process Tree option. Next, you must delete the File Location folder so go ahead and do that.
On the occasion that any of the files that are contained within that folder can’t be removed and this prevents you from deleting the folder, go on and delete the other files that are in it. Once all of the remaining steps from this guide have been completed, you must try to delete the folder with the remaining files once again.

*Pozq is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove
Entering Safe Mode is almost always advisable when troubleshooting software problems. It is especially important to be in Safe Mode when dealing with malware because this could help keep the processes of the virus from starting automatically. Therefore, we suggest you enable Safe Mode on your PC and if you don’t know how to do that, go to this guide where you can find instructions that will help you.

*Pozq is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove
Go to your Start Menu, type System Configuration, press the Enter key, and then select the Startup tab. Here are the items that start automatically when Windows loads. Most of them should be programs that you recognize but if there are any items listed there that seem odd, unfamiliar, or suspicious, remove the tick from the box in front of them and then click on Apply.

Additionally, if there are items with Unknown manufacturers, uncheck them too unless you know those programs/apps and are sure you can trust them.
To finalize the step and save the changes, click on OK.

You must now check your computer’s Hosts file for any traces of Pozq interference. To do that, place this line: notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts in the search box under the Start Menu and hit Enter. The Hosts file (a notepad file) should appear on your screen – look through it, focusing on the bottom of the text, the part where it says “Localhost“. Normally, when malware hijacks this file, it places its custom rules and IP addresses below the Localhost line, but it is not uncommon for legitimate apps and programs to also make modifications to that part of the Hosts file. Therefore, we suggest that you copy any lines you see below Localhost and send them to us via the comments section on this page.
After we closely examine the lines you’ve sent us, we will be able to tell you whether or not they are from the virus, and we will inform you about our conclusion. If the lines below Localhost are from Pozq, you must erase them from the file and then save the changes by pressing Ctrl + F.

Important!: For this step, you will have to make changes in the Registry Editor of your PC by deleting items related to the virus. You must be very careful here because deleting something that you shouldn’t could lead to unexpected problems with your system. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to seek our assistance by writing us a comment down below.
To get to the Registry Editor, yu can type regedit in the Start Menu and select the regedit.exe file. If you are asked to give your Administrator permission, click on the Yes option.
Now that the Registry Editor is shown on your screen, go to the menu labelled Edit and click on Find to evoke the Registry Editor search field. In that field, type the Ransomware name (Pozq) and search for items that carry it by selecting Find Next. If a result is found, click on it, press Del, and then click on the Yes button. Repeat the search, delete the next item, rinse and repeat until you’ve made sure that no more Pozq items are in the Registry.
Next, visit those next Registry directories and look inside them for items/folders with unusually long names that stand out from the rest and seem to consist of randomized characters. If you see anything like that, you should delete it as it is likely from the virus. However, since it may sometimes be difficult to determine if a given item is related to Pozq, remember to consult us if you have any doubts.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Run
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main

Place the lines we’ve listed below in the Start Menu, hit Enter, and sort the files contained in the folders that open by date so that you’d see the latest entries at the top.
- %AppData%
- %LocalAppData%
- %ProgramData%
- %WinDir%
- %Temp%
Your task here is to delete all files created since the Ransomware infected you. The only exception is the Temp folder – in it, you must simply delete all the files that are present in it.
To finalize this guide, do not forget to delete the File Location Folder from Step 1 if you have been unable to do this at an earlier moment.
How to Decrypt Pozq files
The deletion of Pozq will help secure your PC and stop the virus from locking up any more of your files, but it will not release those files that have already been encrypted. To release the files, you must still choose between paying the ransom or trying some alternative methods of data-restoration. We can offer you a tool that focuses on How to Decrypt Ransomware without paying the ransom, and we strongly recommend that you go to it and follow the steps provided there. Hopefully, the decryptor in the link below will allow you to bring back the encrypted files.
You must, however, first make sure that the malware is truly gone from your PC. Otherwise, the chances of getting the files you may restore locked up again are high. One thing that could help you check for any remnants of the Pozq virus on your computer is the free scanner tool offered on our site – if there are any files you suspect may contain malware data, use this scanner to test them.
Data that has been encrypted by ransomware may be difficult to decode, even for seasoned specialists in the field of cyber security. What further complicates the process of recovering encrypted data is that the methods for decrypting different ransomware variants may vary as there is no universal solution for this type of malware. To have a chance for success, one of the first things that you need to do is to correctly detect the variant of ransomware that has attacked your computer by looking at the extensions of the files that were encrypted.
New Djvu Ransomware
A new variant of ransomware known as STOP Djvu ransomware has been discovered recently, and, according to reports, it has been proven to encrypt data by adding the .Pozq suffix in the end. Victims of the threat have been asked to pay ransom in exchange for a key that may recover their files. However, people who have experienced data loss because of the .Pozq encryption should not pay the ransom since decryptors such as the one found in the link below may be able to assist them in recovering their information.
If you are a victim of this new threat, you may be able to decrypt files by going to the URL provided above and downloading the STOPDjvu application. Before you start the program, you should first read the license agreement and the instructions for usage that are provided on the website. Next, follow the instructions of the program and click on the Decrypt button.
Please keep in mind that despite the fact that this application seems to have a great deal of potential to recover Pozq-encrypted data, it does have some limitations. It is possible that the program won’t be able to decode files that have been encrypted online or with an offline key that is not in its database.
Final Notes
In most cases, the full completion of the steps listed in this guide should get rid of all traces of the Pozq virus. If, however, you think that the Ransomware may still be present in your system, it is recommended that you check your computer with the powerful anti-malware tool posted on this page – with its help, you should be able to find and delete all remnants of the Ransomware. The tool can also prove useful in the future by protecting your PC from other incoming threats. Last but not least, if you have any questions and/or need additional assistance from us, the comments section on this page is always open for our readers.
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