How to Protect your Browsers from Malware? (for Windows PC)

Home ยป Tips ยป How to Protect your Browsers from Malware? (for Windows PC)

Vulnerable web browsers are a favorite weak point to attackers

A safe browser is of an utmost importance when it comes to safe online experience. Therefore, users should take it seriously and make sure they place proper settings to ensure that. Vulnerable web browsers are a favorite weak point that attackers love to take advantage of.  In case there are some flaws, hackers would surely find a way to easily gain access to a computer and, of course, insert some malware on it. Some security vulnerabilities in JavaScript, Flash, Add-ons and different Extensions are the typical breakpoints that are used by the malware developers to sneak into a PC. 

In this post, our security experts will share with you some useful browser security tips. You can apply them to increase your protection against malware attacks and minimize your browser vulnerability. These tips work for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Edge web browsers on Windows. You can use them to reduce the potential risk of online threats such as Drive-by Downloads, Browser Hijacking, Badware, Malvertising etc. We hope you will find this post informative and won’t hesitate to share with us your comments in the section below. Now let’s go straight to the point.


How to ensure your web browsers are safe enough?

Every web browser developer would ensure you that their web browser is the safest and provides a maximum protection for online browsing. Even though most browsers have some build in security settings, there are some additional steps that users can apply manually to ensure a better protection for themselves.  Here is what our “How to remove” team suggests for you:

  •  Always update your web browser to the latest version

Yes, you need to make sure your browser is regularly updated to the latest version. This is important for your security because usually updates fix many safety issues. Unfortunately, web browsers have their weak points, therefore keeping them updated helps you minimize the risk of being attacked. Keep in mind that web browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge and Opera use several different technologies to ensure your  best online experience, so naturally, there might be a few issues here and there.

  • Don’t keep plugins you no longer use

You probably keep some plugins that you forgot about and no longer use on your browser. It is a good idea to uninstall them because such apps are normally a target for the hackers. Take a look at the toolbars and apps you have not used recently, or you can’t recognize. If you do have such components, removing them may save you from potential threats. Some of them may be quite tricky to uninstall, so If you need any help, take a look at our removal guides section. 

  •  Make sure to update your plug-ins and extensions

The  plug-ins you decide to keep and regularly use should always be updated to the newest version. As we said above, they can be a potential security threat, so whenever there is an update available, make sure to get it as soon as possible. This update process is usually performed automatically by the web browsers that support plugins. However, make it your habit to regularly check for and update all browser plug-ins, extensions, add-ons you use.

  •  Check the browser security settings manually

It is a good idea to also  check the security settings on your browser manually. You may find them if you navigate to the main menu. Reach the section for the security settings and check the boxes according to your preferences. If you are in doubt, you can keep them by default or click the optimal browser protection option which will adjust them automatically.

  • Restrict certain plugins until you manually enable them

There is an option called “Click to play”. This is a feature that restricts certain plugins to operate until you allow them. For example, Flash content on a website won’t load until you click to enable it. This is a very helpful option because it can block Flash content, which is a potential security breach waiting to happen. You can set Adobe Flash to run on demand, as well as other plugins of your choice.

  • Avoid the “safe password” browsers functionality

Although it may be convenient, this option may expose you to some significant security risks. Not only can other users access your accounts and see your actual passwords or credit card details, but so can a thief if your machine gets lost or stolen. Also, in case your browser gets compromised, some viruses and malware can easily steal your saved passwords and details and transmit them to the attackers.

Of course, these are not the only ways to protect your web browser from online threats. If you want to minimize the risks you may be exposed to, we would also advise you to avoid visiting suspicious websites, clicking on compromised links or disabling Flash entirely. Do not click on links sweepingly. Beware of Phishing scams that aim to steal private data from you and make you click on their links. Make it a practice to check the bottom left corner of your browser where the links are temporarily displayed. If they point to something different than what is displayed, thеn most probably they are a scam.

The truth is you can’t protect yourself from everything on the web unless you stop using it at all. But let’s be honest, you are not going to do that, are you? Well, just follow our suggestions above and let us know if we helped you to enjoy your online surfing.

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