Qopz Virus

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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Qopz is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.


Qopz is a type of Ransomware virus that will place encryption on a large portion of your files and that way keep them locked. The goal of the creators of Qopz is to blackmail you – they will demand a ransom payment for your files.

Stop Virus 1024x550

A Ransomware threat can infiltrate your computer and lock all of your personal data without you noticing anything suspicious. In most cases, the threats of this type like Saba, Sato are revealed only once the job of the virus has been completed and the user no longer has access to their data. At this point, the Ransomware informs its victim about the lockdown on their files and tells them that they could restore their data, but they will have to pay a ransom for it. Users faced with such a Ransomware virus oftentimes panic and go directly for the ransom transfer without taking their time to consider their other options. Also, the fact that most Ransomware threats give their victim a short deadline (usually 24 or 48 hours) further induces panic within the user and makes them act irrationally. This is precisely what the hackers want – they want you to send them your money without thinking about the potential consequences of doing so. However, there are quite a few problems with the payment option. Firstly, the sum that is required oftentimes exceeds one thousand dollars, which is not a small amount of money and not everyone could easily afford to make such a payment. Secondly, the data-decryption key the hackers promise you in exchange for the money may not even get sent to you after you pay the ransom. This happens way too often to be ignored and it is therefore highly advisable to first try some other method for dealing with the Ransomware.

The Qopz virus

The Qopz virus is a malware threat known as Ransomware – it infects Windows systems and places encryption on most of the files located in their hard-disks. The Qopz virus can be removed but to unlock the files you will still need a decryption key.

There, unfortunately, aren’t many alternatives that could allow you to fight a Ransomware’s encryption. However, you could (and should) still remove the virus itself as this will give you more options for potentially restoring some of the locked data. Below, we will give you a guide that contains instructions on how to get the virus removed and we urge you to follow them.

The .Qopz file decryption

The .Qopz file decryption is the process that reverses the encryption that has restricted access to the victim’s files. The .Qopz file decryption is usually not possible without a special private key but there may e ways to circumvent this.

Qopz File

After the virus is gone, there are several things you can try. Firstly, you can use your own backups (if you have any) to restore your files. Secondly, there may be shadow copies of some of your files in the system and you may be able to use those for data recovery. Thirdly, there are specialized decryption tools for some Ransomware versions that you may use. You can find more information on these methods in the data-recovery section of the guide.


Name Qopz
Type Ransomware
Data Recovery Tool Not Available
Detection Tool

*Qopz is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

Qopz Ransomware Removal


If you want to successfully remove Qopz by hand, you must first do some preparation.

To begin, you should be aware that a system restart may be required throughout certain stages in this removal guide. Therefore, you should bookmark this page immediately if you don’t want to lose the instructions for removing Qopz.

Next, restart the infected system in Safe Mode (follow the link’s instructions if you get stuck) to keep your computer’s background programs and tasks to a minimum and improve your chances of successfully cleaning it.



*Qopz is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

Many malicious programs tend to add harmful entries to critical system locations, such as the System Configuration. As a result, it’s important that you thoroughly review the Startup tab of your System Configuration window for any suspicious items.

To do that, type msconfig in the Start menu search box and press the Enter key on your keyboard. In the Startup tab, look for startup items that aren’t associated with any of your computer’s legitimate apps.


Keep an eye out for entries with unusually long names or unknown manufacturers, and deactivate them by unchecking the corresponding checkboxes if you suspect they are related to the ransomware.

When you’re finished, click the OK button at the bottom to save your changes.


Detecting and stopping any processes associated with Qopz’s harmful activities is another very important step towards its removal.

Start the Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) and look at the Processes Tab to see what’s going on.

To sum it up, you need to figure out which processes are associated with the ransomware and shut them down. Once you’ve done that, right-click on each of the processes you consider to be hazardous and choose Open File Location from the pop-up menu that appears.


In this way, you will be able to see the files associated with the chosen process. To determine if these files are harmful, use a virus scanner such as the one provided below.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    Then, if danger is detected, go back to the Processes tab, right-click on the process that you suspect is malicious, and choose End Process from the pop-up menu. This will terminate the offending process. Once you’ve done that, delete all of its files from the file location folder.


    *Qopz is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

    Advanced malware infestations are known to covertly add entries to your system’s registry in order to maintain their hold on your system. To check for such entries, open the Registry Editor (Type Regedit in the Start menu search box and press Enter) and look for any ransomware-related files or folders that need to be removed. 

    It’s quicker to use CTRL and F and type the ransomware’s name into the Find box.  Click on the Find Next button to see what comes up. If anything is discovered that has the threat’s name in it, it should be removed. Keep in mind that if you’re unfamiliar with registry files, you run the risk of removing entries for legitimate applications that aren’t linked to the infection and damaging your system in this way.

    Therefore, using a professional removal tool like the one provided on this page and scanning your system is recommended for optimal results.

    Once you’ve made sure your registry is free of malicious files, type each of these items below in the Start menu search bar one by one and check if anything hazardous has been added to any of the places lately. 

    1. %AppData%
    2. %LocalAppData%
    3. %ProgramData%
    4. %WinDir%
    5. %Temp%

    Carefully remove any files and folders that you are 100% sure that are related to the ransomware.

    When you open Temp, select everything from that folder. It is best delete these temporary files if you want to ensure that Qopz hasn’t left any traces on your computer.

    If your computer has been infected with a ransomware or any other serious malware, it is a good idea to check the system for evidence of hacking. To do this, just copy and paste the following line in the Start menu search bar and press Enter:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    By doing this, you’ll be able to open the Hosts file and search it for suspicious IP addresses. These are typically added below Localhost

    hosts_opt (1)


    Close the file if you don’t notice anything alarming.

    If, however, you find some virus creator IPs in your Hosts file, please write to us in the comments section below this article with a copy of the disturbing IP addresses, so that we can have a look at them and give you advice on what to do.


    How to Decrypt Qopz files

    If this guide is not effective enough to deal with Qopz and get rid of all of its malicious files from your computer, we recommend that you use the anti-virus software we’ve provided. You may also use our free online virus scanner to check any files that seem suspicious to you. 


    Once you’ve gone through all the steps above and are certain that Qopz is no longer on your computer, you may proceed to our guide on how to decrypt encrypted files. If you run into trouble, feel free to ask us any questions in the comments below.

    What is Qopz?

    Qopz is a malware program characterized by its unparalleled ability to enter a system unnoticed and quickly and silently lock up any important files stored in it. Qopz is categorized as a Ransomware cryptovirus because it blackmails its victims for access to their files.

    If your system has been infected by this malicious piece of software and your files have already been locked by the military-grade encryption algorithm that it uses for this purpose, then you’ve probably already noticed a notepad file generated by the virus or even a big banner that has suddenly appeared on your screen. The notepad/banner contains a message from the creators of Qopz, in which they give you the option to pay them a certain amount of money in exchange for a special, unique private key that can make your files accessible again. This is the gist of the entire scheme for which Ransomware viruses are used, and it is a very effective one since there aren’t many other methods that can potentially restore the encrypted files to their previous accessible state.

    Is Qopz a virus?

    Qopz is a virus of the Ransomware file-encrypting type, meaning that, instead of damaging your system or spying on you, it focuses on encrypting your files to make them inaccessible. The goal of the Qopz virus is to make you pay for the files’ release.

    The main problem if attacked by a virus of the Ransomware variety is if the threat has managed to restrict your access to important/valuable files that are saved on the computer. If the malware hasn’t been able to lock such files or if you simply have no data of significant value on the attacked computer, then the infection of this virus would be trivialized, since the Ransomware itself is not capable of harming your computer.

    On the other hand, if Qopz has indeed been able to encrypt some important data stored on your PC, then your options of recovering it are limited. Even so, however, it’s strongly advised to only use the ransom payment option as a last resort, rather than as your go-to course of action.

    How to decrypt Qopz files?

    To decrypt Qopz, you can choose to pay the ransom or you can opt for some of the available alternative solutions. Unfortunately, no method guarantees that you’d be able to decrypt Qopz files, but paying the ransom holds the risk of wasting lots of money.

    To nobody’s surprise, if you decide to pay the ransom that the hackers demand of you and go through with the payment, you may find out that you’ve been lied to and that no decryption key would ever be sent to you. This is a real possibility and, unfortunately, one that manifests itself in reality all too often, as many desperate users end up giving in to the demands of their blackmailers, only to never regain access to their files.

    For this reason, the advisable and sensible course of action is to first try to deal with the virus and its encryption on your own. There are certain alternative methods (that we have covered in our How to Decrypt Ransomware article) that may indeed help you solve this problem without paying a ransom.

    2 responses to “Qopz Virus”
    1. Matt Avatar

      Hello, I have found some virus creator IPs in my Hosts file like you say in this article: https://howtoremove.guide/rivd-virus-file/

      I wanted to download a cracked Adobe Acrobat, that is why IPs are: lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com lm.licenses.adobe.com na1r.services.adobe.com hlrcv.stage.adobe.com practivate.adobe.com activate.adobe.com genuine.adobe.com prod.adobegenuine.com

      Please tell me what to do next.

      1. George Slaine Avatar
        George Slaine

        Hi Matt,
        you can remove these entries from the Hosts file.

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