Quick Mac Booster Virus

Quick Mac Booster

Quick Mac Booster is a potentially unwanted application primarily built for web browsers that are compliant with Mac. Normally, Quick Mac Booster can incorporate itself into Chrome, Safari and Firefox and hijack their homepage and search engine. Thus, this program is considered a browser hijacker.

Quick Mac Booster

The Quick Mac Booster Virus will claim it is a program which will help you optimize your computer.

Typically, it is fairly easy to recognize a browser hijacking program in your system because this software has some hard-to-ignore symptoms. In fact, hijackers (unlike some stealthier viruses such as Trojans or Ransomware) are keen to announce their presence with the help of numerous pop-up notifications, banner ads, and redirect prompts inside the screen of your main web browser. In addition to the ads, it is typical for such programs to make unexpected changes to the browser’s toolbars, search engines, buttons and even the homepage. And you will definitely notice these changes as soon as you open the affected browser.

Quick Mac Booster, for instance, is a browser hijacker that often introduces new components to the system’s default web browser, including new bookmarks, additional toolbars, plug-ins, redirect buttons, etc. The unusual rise in the amount of advertisements during your web browsing sessions is another very obvious indication that you have this program on your Mac. Particularly when the pop-up blocker is activated, but you can’t find a single web page without advertisements, box notifications, banner messages, redirect prompts and various other online commercials.

It is typical for Quick Mac Booster to actually start causing automatic redirects to pages full of such advertisements and to aggressively prompt you to click on links that reroute you to various web locations. This is yet another very annoying indication of a hijacker infection that cannot be ignored. Fortunately, in case you are not fond of the idea of living with the browser “improvements” that Quick Mac Booster has made, there is a detailed guide below this post, which will show you how to remove this program. In general, you will simply have to uninstall the hijacker from your Mac and remove its supporting components to regain control of your favorite browsing app.

The Quick Mac Booster Virus

The Quick Mac Booster Virus is a browser hijacking program that is typically included in various free software installers as an optional download. It is possible that you may install the Quick Mac Booster Virus from shareware sites or questionable sources outside the official App Store.

Quick Mac Booster Virus

Quick Mac Booster for Mac

Quick Mac Booster for Mac is a browser hijacking application used to earn income from paid page redirects and sponsored advertisements. Therefore, Quick Mac Booster for Mac is a program that employs very aggressive web advertising practices and disturbs the users’ web browsing experience.

Fortunately, Quick Mac Booster is not as bad as it seems and it won’t do any damage to your Mac machine unlike some other invasive programs such as Ransomware or Trojans. However, that also does not make it completely secure because this browser hijacker may potentially expose your computer at numerous potential risks simply by redirecting you to random web locations.

In reality, aside from the display of pop-ups, banner ads and box messages, many browser hijackers try to collect some details about the users’ online behavior which can be used to maximize profits from their advertising campaigns. And while this won’t shock anybody, as there are plenty of programs and websites that do the same, it is still a matter of concern for some people and a good reason to uninstall such software without regrets. Moreover, apps like Quick Mac Booster and Easy Mac Care usually don’t provide users with any settings that can customize or restrict the collection of browsing-related data from the hijacked browser.

What is Quick MacBooster?

Quick MacBooster is an ad-generating tool that usually works with pay-per-click online advertising models. A lot of web users, however, mistake Quick MacBooster for a virus or malware due to the aggressive nature of its online promotional tactics.


Name Quick Mac Booster
Type PUP
Detection Tool

Quick Mac Booster Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning. You can find the removal guide here.

For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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