Nowadays, we need Internet for everything and this is why the browsers are likely the most commonly used programs on the majority of computers. This is precisely why having some issue with your browser could be incredibly frustrating. This is what brings us to the main topic of this article, namely, the browser hijacker/browser redirect app. It is an annoying software element that initially seems to function in a fashion similar to that of a regular extension for your Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari browser. Upon closer look, however, one quickly realizes that this software piece is really not something that one would enjoy having in their system and browser. The main goal of is to tinker with the search engine service of the browser as well as with its toolbar and homepage in order to spam the user’s screen with annoying page-redirects, ads, banners, pop-up boxes, new-tabs and other invasive commercial content. Despite being way less problematic than Ransomware, Spyware, Rootkits and Trojans, apps of the hijacker category can be a serious pain in the neck precisely because they target the users’ browsers – program that most of use use pretty much every day to do our work, studies or simply to enjoy ourselves.

One additional issue that you may have already noticed if you have on your machine and have already tried to remove it from there is that it could actually be quite tricky to successfully and fully uninstall a browser-redirect tool such as this one. We, however, have some good news for you in this regard. A guide that you will find right below will present you with the needed steps you must complete in order to ensure that gets utterly removed and that there’s nothing left of it in your computer. 300x109

Some more information you should know about this software category

One of the most important things we believe you should learn and remember about the hijackers is that, though not as harmful as Ransomware or Trojans or other malware, these apps are not to be trusted by the users. Their adverts could be coming from all corners of the Internet and many of them may be misleading and have the potential to trick you into buying low-quality products or downloading more unwanted programs and apps on your computer. That’s why, it’s best to not interact with any of the commercial messages and simply make sure to remove the hijacker instead.

Another important thing to remember is that most browser hijacker/redirect applications get distributed as added elements that are bundled with the installation files of other programs. Normally, you can see what added components there are when installing a certain program under the Advanced installation menu but since the majority of users ignore this menu, they oftentimes get themselves unwanted software like You, however, should always remind yourself to check the Advanced settings and only allow programs that you are sure you want to get installed on your computer.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool


Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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