Having a wall of online advertisements on your screen when you are trying to use your browser is certainly a problem that you wouldn’t want to be dealing with, yet this is exactly what you’d likely have on your hands if a browser hijacker such as has found its way inside your computer. is a browser component that may look and and seem to operate like any other browser extension or add-on but the main difference is that instead of helping you in some way, it’s actually most likely going to make it more difficult for you to browser the Internet. The main reason for that are the ads, the pop-ups and the page redirects coming from it but it’s also possible that tries to alter the homepage address or the search engine of your Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Safari or whatever other browser you may have set as your default on. Now, to be fair, apps of the browser hijacker category such as aren’t really meant to harm your computer or mess with anything that’s stored in it. They are not viruses or Trojan Horses or Ransomware and their purpose is not related to any type of cyber crimes (at least in most of the cases). What the actual goal of most applications of the browser hijacker class is to make money through web advertising since this is a really profitable business. This, of course, is the main reason behind the constant spam with different adverts, pop-ups, pop-unders, page-redirects and other annoying content. The changes to the browser’s search engine, homepage URL or toolbar are also meant to increase the overall exposure to commercial materials. We understand how annoying all of this could be and this is why we advise you to use the next removal guide in order to uninstall in case you currently have it in your computer system.

Keep away from any sketchy ads!

Obscure ads on the Internet are an obvious security hazard since a many hackers are known for using such advertisements to spread all sorts of dangerous and harmful programs like Ransomware cryptoviruses, Rootkits, Spyware, Trojans and so on. Now, this doesn’t mean that each and every advert coming from a hijacker would be harmful or hazardous, quite the contrary. However, it’s still possible that some unsafe banners, pop-ups or other advertisements manage to find their way into the stream of hijacker-generated ads and thence get displayed on your screen. And if you happen to click on such an add, we do not really need to tell you that your computer and virtual security would be in serious jeopardy. This is why it is better if you do not take any needless risks by keeping on your machine for any more time – simply use the instructions from the guide and/or make use of the recommended professional removal tool and remove the nagging app for good.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool


Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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