Dinoraptzor.org Virus

This page aims to help you remove the Dinoraptzor.org Virus. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, as well as every version of Windows and Mac OS.

What is Dinoraptzor.org virus

An example of Dinoraptzor.org’s initial redirect

After a few seconds, the redirect proceeds to another website (note that this can change in a few days), currently metagmae.org/page/. The pages Dinoraptzor.org redirects to seem to be language and location specific:


The landing page on metagmae.org where Dinoraptzor.org leads

Hijacking or Browser Hijacking is a type of aggressive online advertising practice where specific software elements called Browser Hijackers are able to modify the redirection of DNS servers. This means that when a user wants to enter a specific domain, the DNS returns a different IP address, thereby loading another webpage. These are usually sponsored pages filled with ads, banners, pop-ups and different promotional messages that prompt you to click on them for profits. However, sometimes, malware and questionable offers may also be encountered.

If you have recently been experiencing automatic page-redirects to certain sites, or you have noticed some changes in the homepage or the search engine of your main browser, the chances are that your Chrome, Safari, Firefox (or whatever your main browser is)  has been invaded by a representative of the Browser Hijacker category. On this page, we will discuss one particular hijacker that can change your homepage to Dinoraptzor.org Virus, and it is the likely source of your browsing disturbance. That’s why we suggest you stay with us and carefully read the information that follows. In the next lines, you will find a detailed Removal Guide which explains the steps to safely remove the unwanted homepage and search engine from your browser and stop the intrusive ads.

The first thing that you will most probably notice in case you are infected with a Hijacker like Dinoraptzor.org will be the change of the homepage URL or the main search engine of your browser since the hijackers usually change those elements of the browser. Another thing you may notice will be the constant generation of different ads that are usually hard to remove – your browser may start to automatically open pages that are normally related to some form of online advertisement campaign.

With the help of all these changes, the Browser Hijacker basically tries to position certain sponsored pages directly on the users’ screen and make the people click on them. At the same time, the hijacker earns money for its developers from companies that try to get visits and clicks on their sites via pay-per-click methods. Many web users may mistake the intrusive pay-per-click ads for some sort of a strange virus infection. Therefore, it is not uncommon for applications like Dinoraptzor.org to be mistakenly referred to as viruses. To your relief, though, browser hijackers like this one are not a major system threat and don’t have the harmful abilities of real computer threats such as Ransomware, Spyware or Trojans, for example. However, the changes they impose without the users’ approval leave an open door in your system for security hazards to sneak in or for sketchy messages to mislead you during your web browsing. An example would be the prompts that appear inside the Internet browser that emit false alarms about dangerous threats or different hot offers, “you won a prize” messages, and similar sketchy content, developed exclusively to land you on certain web locations with questionable reputation, and to make you buy the advertised products or services. For this reason, most Browser Hijackers are considered as potentially unwanted.

To deal with Dinoraptzor.org, we suggest you follow the instructions from the removal guide below. Once again, this is not a harmful Ransomware, a Trojan or some fatal virus infection and if you repeat the steps shown below, you should be able to easily uninstall it without facing any negative consequences.


Name Dinoraptzor.org
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Dinoraptzor.org “Virus”

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning. You can find the removal guide here.

For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • after deep search I found out that this is a scheduled task to be executed on startup , simply delete the task ” schedule task ” in control panel , and you can remove it from registry and that’s it .

    • Hi helpless bud, once you open the control panel go to Programs > Programs and Features, or you can try carefully following the guide on our page.

    • On the top right of the control panel, with big or small icon to view it, not by category. Then click windows tools, and then you would find the task scheuled program. And you will find that shit in it, then delete it

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