[email protected] Ransomware

This page aims to help you remove [email protected] Ransomware for free. Our instructions also cover how any [email protected] file can be recovered.

The cryptoviruses of the infamous Ransomware malware family are a huge software security issue nowadays, especially for users who have important, valuable and sensitive data in their computers. The main goal of a Ransomware cryptovirus is to enter the system of the targeted computer and lock up all the files there using an advanced encryption code that makes it impossible for any program to access any file that gets encrypted. All of this is, of course, done in order to give the hackers leverage which they can then use as means of blackmailing their victims for a money payment (hence, the name Ransomware). As soon as the files targeted by the malware are no longer accessible, the sneaky cryptovirus finally makes its presence known to the users of the infected computer through the generation of an intimidating note. The note could be in the form of a banner that pops-up on the screen of the computer when the encryption is completed or whenever somebody tries to open an encrypted file. It’s also possible that instead of a banner, the note is generated in the form of a notepad file that gets placed in each folder that contains data locked by the Ransomware. Regardless of the form of the note, the text in it is similar for most Ransomware cryptoviruses. It states that a specific money sum must be transferred following the instructions from the note or else the files will stay locked forever. If the user issues the payment and the money is received by the hacker, a decryption key would be send to the malware victim, who, with the help of that key, will be able to recover the sealed data. Most of you are likely here because of the new [email protected] malware program – a new and devastating cryptovirus that has probably already locked your files, forcing you to look for help which has lead you to this article and to the [email protected] removal guide below.

What’s the best course of action?

To answer such a question, each user needs to asses their specific situation and decide for themselves what may be the best thing to do. Sadly, no matter what you may try, your files may still stay locked. You may opt for the ransom transfer but you can’t really know if the hackers would really send you any decryption key that may help you. This is why we normally advise against this course of action, especially if you haven’t tried any of the alternatives. Speaking of alternatives, the second option you have now is to use our guide and liberate your computer from the [email protected] Ransomware. After that, you can try our suggested data restoration methods that may help you with the recovery of some of the encrypted files. However, this option, too, cannot guarantee that your data will be brought back to its accessible state. Nevertheless, it’s still better to first try everything that doesn’t include paying the hackers as this may allow you to bring back some of the files without having to pay some cyber criminals and, in this way, unintentionally further encourage them to continue with their nefarious schemes.


Name [email protected]
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

Remove [email protected]

You are dealing with a ransomware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to decrypt and recover your encrypted files (if it is currently possible).
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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