Remove Hoho Search

This page aims to help you remove Hoho Search. These Hoho Search removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Before we jump straight into the removal guide, let’s take a few moments to know more about Hoho Search.

What is it?

According to security experts, Hoho Search is the latest form of browser hijacker released by its developers. It is not being classified as a virus as virus brings about both direct and indirect harm to the computer in question. A browser hijacker, on the other hand, is harmless and does not pose as a direct security threat to the user.

However, that is not to say that you can ignore the presence of Hoho Search. Being an browser hijacker, it seeks to provide advertisements to the user. These numerous ads that constantly appears can be a source of unnecessary nuisance and exasperation.

This particular browser hijacker is able to track the browsing patterns and history, favourites and bookmarks on your browser, be it Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer. From the information gathered, it will, then, generate ads of items and products that you might be interested in. These ads might be of items that you have previously viewed or, coupons or deals for products that are similar to that of what you have recently searched for. They may be in the form of banners, pop-up ads and boxes or even appear as a separate window. Regardless of whatever the form these ads takes, one thing you should always bear in mind is not to click on the ads and remove Hoho Search as fast as possible.

Why should I not click on the ads?

As these ads are generated by the browser hijacker to attract your attention, most of them are not genuine. On the few rare occasions, you might be directed to a webpage which you have previously accessed for the “deals”. In this case then, it is redundant and a waste of your time as it does not provide any additional new information other than what you had already known.  More often than not though, you are being directed to some pay-per-click sites where the developers get paid an amount whenever someone, i.e. you, accesses the webpage. Sometimes, you might also be directed to some dubious sites that promotes the download of certain software. These software often tend to be full of security loopholes that will serve as a portal for other viruses and browser hijacker to access your computer. Their uninstall process can also prove to be tricky, as they are pretty hard to remove from your PC.

How did I get Hoho Search?

It is always good to know how you got infected in the first place in order to avoid a reinfection the second time round.

One of the most common ways that people get infected is through the free and/or illegal program downloads that are readily available on the Internet. These free programs are usually being bundled together with other programs, such as Hoho Search. This is done, firstly, to ease installation of the unwanted software and secondly, to achieve a greater outreach.

To prevent this from happening to your PC you only need to exercise due caution. After downloading the program do not attempt to save time by going for the automatic installation. Instead, take a few minutes to do the manual installation to save you time and trouble in the long run. During the manual installation, make sure to check through all the names of the files and folders that is to be installed onto your computer and uncheck those whose names are unfamiliar to you.

Another way in which you could get infected is via email. When you receive emails from unknown senders, do not open the emails. Instead, send them straight to the “Junk Mail” folder. You can also configure your mailbox settings to filter out all these junk mails for your convenience.


Name Hoho Search
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Hoho Search Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.


  • Delete all of these lines from the file. They may be part of the infection.
    Try downloading the scanner from one of our advertisements, it can help you locate the infected files 🙂

  • Find and copy the file to your desktop, edit it there, then return the edited file to the original position and replace the old one with it.


    This are the suspicious IP’s

    • Hi there, indeed they are. Delete them from the file.

      If you experience any problems with permission rights do the following:

      Search for Notepad in Windows search -> right click on the executable and select Run as Administrator.
      From inside Notepad click on the File-> Open menu and navigate to the hosts file

      You should now be able to save the file properly.

  • Hi Line,

    Try to isolate the ones you are sure to be safe. Check for the owner/manufacturer of the process – most are actually Microsoft/Windows processes and you can ignore those.

    For the rest google is your friend. Either that or get an anti-malware program to cut down on time.

  • on uninstalling hohosearch there a message comes that the- specified module cannot be found. what should i do?

  • Hi Pedro, start Notepad as admin first. Search for it on search, right-click run as Admin on the exe. From the inside use the Open menu to navigate to the hosts file.

  • Hi Mani, you need to delete all of these lines from the file. Just delete them, then save the file.

  • Download the scanner from one of our ads and use it to locate hoho search’s files.

    • After the safe reboot you have to use the pad and after you reboot normally you can use the mouse. You cannot use the mouse in save mode.

    • Hi Muzaffar,
      these entries are fine. My team researched them and they turned out to be legit.

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