LiveAdExchanger “Virus”

This page aims to help you remove LiveAdExchanger. These LiveAdExchanger removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Many readers have asked the question “cara menghilangkan LiveAdExchanger”, so we decided to make this article in an effort to answer your questions. LiveAdExchanger is quite the annoying presence, as you may have already noticed, if it has managed to make its way onto your computer. Fear not, however, it’s not a harmful one. It shouldn’t be confused with a virus or other type of malware, which is sure to cause some serious damage to your system. LiveAdExchanger is a program, which belongs to the class of adware. It is distinguished by the fact that it floods your browser (whether you’re using Chrome or Mozilla) with numerous invasive ads – hence, the name.

In this article we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this program and will guide you, step by step, through the removal process. Or in other words we will seek to show you how to “cara menghilangkan LiveAdExchanger”. We will also explain why exactly uninstalling LiveAdExchanger is important and will give you some tips as to preventing it from getting entangle with your PC in the future.

What is LiveAdExchanger “Virus”?

As we’ve already mentioned, LiveAdExchanger is a type of adware. Although many people like to call LiveAdExchanger a virus, this is not a correct classification. The main symptoms of it being installed on your computer are as follows:

-Various pop-ups and uncalled for page re-directs;

– Banners that appear on familiar websites, but were never there before;

– Random text on any given webpage may appear as a hyperlink.

If you have experienced any of these, then you’re in the right place. The point of all these ads boils down to the Pay per click scheme – a popular way to earn money through the distribution of promotional material online. Basically, you are expected to click on any of the links, banners, etc., which will automatically generate income for the developers of LiveAdExchanger. It’s not uncommon that these links may not even lead to the desired webpage and the ads are downright fake, offering no existing product or service.

On the more dangerous side of things, they might lead you to very untrustworthy websites that possibly harbor viruses. Therefore, it’s best to avoid clicking on any of these ads, just to be safe. Remember, even if the banner showcases some tempting offer or a really attractive deal on something – chances are it’s not real.

To make a quick summary – contrary to popular belief LiveAdExchanger is not a virus. A computer virus is something very different from LiveAdExchanger and it should not be counted amongst the viruses but as stated previously – as an adware.

What are the risks of keeping LiveAdExchanger on my computer?

Well, aside from the aforementioned possibility of getting infected by some malicious software, there’s also another, no less important aspect that should be kept in mind. Due to the nature of adware and what its main goal is, the creators behind them are interested in making the ads as appealing as they can. So, to achieve this, they collect all your browsing data: search queries, personal details – the whole bunch, and based on that they make the ads, in the hopes that you’ll fall for them.

Unfortunately, that’s not the end destination of your data. It will most probably be sold on to third parties, who are very likely to use it to their benefit – at the expense of yours. There is always the risk that your details might be misused and this might lead to very serious consequences, up to identity theft and similar crimes.

Luckily for everyone, though, it doesn’t have to go there. A few simple precautions and the understanding of how LiveAdExchanger gets integrated into your browser, and you’ll be safe from any such misconducts – as far as this program and others like it are concerned. Usually, adware is bundled into other programs, hiding behind them, so to speak. When you download the program in question (and this was probably from some open-source download website, which is also smart to keep away from), you then proceed to install it and choose one of the two setup options: default or advanced/custom.

Many people opt for the former and, in doing so, enable the developers to put whatever they’ve predetermined on your PC. For this reason, it’s always a better idea to go for the custom settings and then you will see exactly, which additional software has been included into the program of interest. You will then have the option of unticking it and thus, very easily, be free of LiveAdExchanger before it’s even been installed.

Naturally, other ways of preventing any harm from coming to your computer are having a good, functioning antivirus, for example. Applying common sense in matters such as avoiding obscure websites and abstaining from downloading things from them will also be of help in maintaining a risk-free browsing experience. Its about time we move on to “cara menghilangkan LiveAdExchanger” !


Name LiveAdExchanger
Type Adware
Detection Tool
Adware may be difficult to track down. Use SpyHunter – a professional parasite scanner – to make sure you find all files related to the infection.

Keep in mind, SpyHunter’s malware detection tool is free. To remove the infection, you’ll need to purchase the full version.
More information about SpyHunter and steps to uninstall.

 How to Remove LiveAdExchanger “Virus”

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.


  • If you have the free version of the anti-malware tool, it will show you if there are any shady and potentially harmful data files. However, the free version will not remove them so you’d need to do this manually. On the other hand, if you get the full (paid) version, the program would remove the potentially hazardous data for you.

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