Remove Maps Now “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove Maps Now “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Are you familiar with the behavior of the browser hijacker applications and the general nature and purpose of this type of software? If not, then, on this page, we will tell you everything you need to know about them. In fact, if you’ve come to this site because an app called Maps Now “Virus” has taken over your Chrome or Firefox or Explorer browser (or any other) and has started to spam your screen with hundreds of pop-up ads, banners, page-redirecting messages and sponsored hyperlinks, then you should know that you are dealing with a browser hijacker.

The Browser hijackers are a widespread type of software that is normally programmed to impose certain changes in your browser settings. The most obvious ones are related to the replacement of the homepage with another domain and the installation of a new default search engine which may redirect your searches to different sponsored pages. Another distinctive feature of this software type is the huge number of advertisements that tend to appear in the windows of your browser the moment a browser hijacker becomes part of your system.

Since you are on this page, we assume that you probably already have faced this problem and you cannot remove the pop-up windows which Maps Now displays on your screen or override the various changes that may have been introduced to your main browser. Do not worry, though, because this type of software is not the same as a malicious Ransomware or a Trojan Horse virus and with the help of the instructions in the removal guide below, you will surely be able to uninstall it from your system. However, keep in mind that the manual steps should be followed as described, otherwise you risk deleting the wrong files and that could seriously affect the stability of your computer. For this reason, we have also included a professional removal tool inside the guide manual which you can use in case of doubt.

What is a browser hijacker and what does Maps Now do in your PC?

Most browser hijackers are mainly made for the purpose of advertising and making money on the back of the users’ patience and gullibility. The developers of this type of software typically make profit based on the number of mouse clicks which the users give to the paid advertisements. It is, therefore, in their interest to ensure that the displayed ads, pay-per-click banners and pop-up windows are as many and as annoying and invasive as possible. In order to ensure maximum number of clicks from the users, the developers of Maps Now may also implement some rather obscure methods of ad promotion such as automatic page-redirects and changes in the browser’s settings, which are bound to cause even more irritation. If you have gone to other sites in search of a solution to the problem with Maps Now, you have probably found statements that put this application next to viruses and malware as nasty as Ransomware and Trojans. But in reality, the representatives of the browser hijacker software are not a serious threat to the computer. Nevertheless, they can really be very annoying and uninstalling them is still the best option you have in a  situation like this.


Name Maps Now
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Maps Now “Virus”

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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