Remove “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. These “Virus” removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

In the article below we will be describing a program called “Virus”. Being identified as a browser hijacker, this piece of software might function in the following way:

  • It might infect your PC with your indirect permission and affect your browsers after that. Neither Firefox, nor Chrome and Firefox could be saved from this sort of software.
  • The way it may change your browsers is by making them redirect you to various online locations – usually a web page you haven’t commanded the browser to load.
  • Also, such a program could cause the production of a great deal of online ads in the form of boxes, banners and pop-ups while you are browsing the web.
  • What’s more, could even substitute the homepage and/or search engine you have been used to seeing with (a) new one(s).

More information about hijackers as a whole, and this particular one, is available in the paragraphs below. Hopefully, our article is what you need to solve this sometimes disturbing hijacker-related issue.

More about browser hijackers “Virus” and all its siblings could be regarded as considerably harmless. Of course, all hijackers may sometimes show some especially questionable features like being able to gain access to your browser search request database and using the information from there to try to guess what you will be interested in. After that, only the ads that are assumed to match your tastes get displayed. This is a simple marketing strategy, yet a very effective one that may be seen as quite intrusive. It is possible that the intensive broadcast of ads may slow down your machine. This potential negative effect depends on the processing power of your PC, though, and you may never experience it.

Is this program related to any malware type?

Luckily, there is no connection between browser hijackers and any malicious program of any sort. Still, we want to make the considerable difference between them clearer by using an example. For that purpose we shall compare a Ransomware virus and (as a typical hijacker). You are already aware of the characteristic features of A virus program typically functions in a very different way. For instance, if the virus is based on Ransomware, it will sneak into your computer, stay in the shares there and research your hard drives to define which your most favorite files are. When the list with these files is ready, the Ransomware normally continues with encrypting them all. In this way you will be unable to access them and the virus will generate a notification, telling you your files are now inaccessible and you should pay ransom for them. Compared to this malicious consequence, the effects of could indeed be regarded as relatively harmless.

How you may have caught

In spite of these substantial differences, the ways, in which programmers spread browser hijackers are also rather bothering and unclear, as you unknowingly agree with the installation of this sort of advertising software. You will never let such a program inside your system if you are told how much it will irritate you. As a result, its programmers have discovered a way to distribute it without clearly stating it is there and you may download it alongside their other creations. For the purpose of spreading advertising programs such as the ones based on Adware and hijackers, developers have come up with the idea to make their sources tempting. This is why program bundles have appeared – they represent tempting free software packages that may contain all kinds of programs that may seem especially interesting to you. Nevertheless, it is not the download of such a bundle that matters, it is the installation process that does.

How to install a software bundle but avoid the possible hijackers inside it?

The most common mistake that you may make and that will cause the infection with is to install the wanted hijacker via one of the following steps: Automatic, Default, Easy, Recommended or Quick. All these names describe a feature that will implement an automatic installation of the ENTIRE CONTENT OF A BUNDLE. This means that all forms of infections are possible, as well as unwanted changes to your system could occur. To avoid the potential effects above, please, choose the Customized or Advanced installation method. In this way you will surely have the word when it comes to what should and shouldn’t be installed. For the complete removal of this annoying hijacker, scroll down and check the Removal Guide, which we have prepared for you.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove “Virus”

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • Hi admin, is it is a virus creator IP? clients2. google. com v1.ff.avast. com vlcproxy.ff.avast. com

    • Those IP’s are probably not going to harm your PC but it is still advisable to remove them. Delete those addresses and tell us if the issue has been dealt with.

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