

Detecting changes and irregularities (such as unapproved homepage or search engine replacements, aggressive ads, pop-ups and banners generation, automatic page-redirects, or unauthorized installation of new toolbars and buttons) in your Chrome, Edge, IE, Firefox or any other browser in your system can be quite alarming and even sometimes scary, especially to those of you who don’t know what kind of application stands behind these changes and why it is causing them. If you are one of those users who think that their browser has gone crazy because there is something wrong with the way it has started to behave, you may assume that this could be a result of the attack of some nasty virus or of a malware infection with some nasty Trojan Horse, Worm, Spyware or Ransomware. To your relief, however, the symptoms we mentioned are usually not linked to any malware-related infection but they are a sure indication of the presence of a browser hijacker application inside your computer.

Htr 300x171

Nsjx.xyz Browser Redirect

The browser hijacker applications generally do not pose any immediate danger to the machine they are installed on but the main problem with them is that they can be quite annoying and may disturb the normal web surfing activity with some intrusive and sometimes even obscure or misleading advertising materials. They typically target different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Explorer and so on with the aim of hijacking them and turning them into tools for aggressive generation of sponsored advertisements and pay-per-click links. A good example of a browser hijacker that behaves in the above-described way is the recently reported Nsjx.xyz. This application promotes itself as a regular add-on but, once it gets installed, it introduces some unwanted browser changes and launches an aggressive ad-generating and page-redirecting activity on the screen of the targeted browser. Luckily, it is fairly easy to deal with this type of software if you want to uninstall its changes or to permanently remove its ads. All you have to do is use a professional removal tool or a manual removal guide like the one that our team has prepared below.

As most of the applications of its kind, what Nsjx.xyz ultimately does is it prompts the users to click on some third-party ads and pre-defined web pages which generate income via pay-per-click or pay-per-view remuneration models. From a legal point of view, there is nothing disturbing or threatening in this type of advertising approach. This, however, does not mean that you should be completely relaxed about all the randomly generated messages that the browser hijacker may push on your screen. Sometimes, although this happens rarely, fake ads and malicious links may accidentally sneak inside the stream of commercials and if you are unlucky enough to click on them, you may land on dangerous websites or even catch a virus or a nasty Trojan-Ransomware infection. That’s why, even though applications such as Nsjx.xyz are relatively harmless themselves, we still see their promotional content as a potential source of security hazards and usually recommend our readers to remove such applications and uninstall their browser changes in order to regain control over their browsers.


Name Nsjx.xyz
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Nsjx.xyz

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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