Pushwhy.com Virus

This page aims to help you remove Pushwhy.com “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.


Pushwhy.com is a type of browser-redirecting malware that installs in Chrome, Firefox and other popular browsing programs and redirects their users to promotional sites. Pushwhy.com is more annoying than dangerous but can still be regarded as a security hazard and it’s better to uninstall it.


The Pushwhy.com Virus will make unwanted changes on your browser.

Dealing with a browser hijacker such as Pushwhy.com “Virus” can be very frustrating for most users. Especially, when the users don’t even know what exactly they have to deal with. Browser hijackers often appear to be somewhat intimidating and introduce a lot of unexpected changes into the main browser. They may take over popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Explorer or others, and may place some new tools, toolbars, homepage URLs or search engine tools, without asking for approval. These are the very first signs that indicate the presence of an application of this kind on the users’ computers. Usually, the browser modifications are followed by the appearance of a large number of online advertisements such as banners, pop-ups and page-redirect hyperlinks or click prompts, which lead to various web locations. Probably, you have already experienced how difficult it can sometimes be to avoid these ads and redirects simply because they tend to appear everywhere and sometimes even pop-up suddenly just as you are about to click on something in your browser. This aggressiveness, luckily, is not initiated by some nasty virus or malware such as Ransomware or Trojans and can be explained with the nature of the browser hijackers. They are basically tools for aggressive online advertising and as such, their main goal is to advertise all kinds of services, websites, etc. on your screen during your web surfing. Many manufacturers and distributors of such services and goods pay the browser hijacker creators to promote their advertisements. In this sense, the way Pushwhy.com “Virus” may spam your monitor with ads is a completely legal form of cooperation and a very common business model used by the web marketing industry. The majority of the users, however, find it really irritating when they have to deal with the tons of sponsored commercials on their screen and that’s why this article focuses on how to safely remove the unwanted ads and how to uninstall the browser hijacker that’s behind them.

The Pushwhy Virus

If you have come to us seeking help for dealing with Pushwhy.com, you will not be disappointed. The set of instructions above provide a manual and an automatic uninstallation method, with the help of which you can easily remove the annoying application along with all the changes brought by it to your browser. In fact, there are a few good reasons why it is undesirable to allow such applications to stay long in your system. One of them, for example, is the possibility of getting exposed to risky web locations, misleading messages, low-quality sites and fake ads and offers. Especially in the case of the latter, many hackers love to use online fake advertising as a means of distributing Trojans, Ransomware and other nasty threats. They often inject malicious viruses in online advertisements such as a banners or pop-ups, which thereby become compromised and harmful. By clicking on such ads, the users can get redirected to a page infested with malware. In this regard, we recommend avoiding any contact with any advertising materials generated by browser hijackers and similar applications and suggest the fast uninstallation of the latter from any system.


Name Pushwhy.com
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Pushwhy.com Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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