Remove “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Browser hijackers are software apps/elements similar to most extensions for your browser. However, what sets them apart from regular browser extensions and add-ons is the fact that most hijackers are actually unwanted and pretty much all users who have such software components installed onto their computers want to have them removed. The main reason why browser hijackers are seen as undesirable has to do with their ability to fill the user’s screen with unpleasant advertisements and also to modify their browser in various ways. Some of the browser alterations you could expect from a hijacker are a replacement of the default starting page and new-tab page of the browsing program, change in the search engine and also modifications made to the toolbar.

Usually, the hijacker does this without asking for a permission from the computer’s Administrator. On top of all that, frequent page redirects are also likely to get triggered by a hijacker app on your computer. Normally, the redirects would be to sites and pages that the intrusive application is trying to promote. In fact, the main purpose of pretty much all hijackers is to increase the view count and click numbers to different sites and adverts which, in turn, generates revenue for the creators of those pesky software pieces. Understandably, the advertising and page-redirecting campaigns conducted by such apps tend to be overwhelmingly aggressive and obstructive. It can be a real pain in the neck having your browser getting constantly spammed with adverts, banners and pop-ups and getting frequently redirected to random sites that you don’t want to visit.

The intrusiveness coming from hijacker apps alone is more than enough of a reason for the majority of users faced with such software to want to have it immediately removed. However, if that wasn’t enough, then you should know that there are certain security risks that might come from such apps, especially if you aren’t careful around them. Now, here is the place to mention that hijackers themselves are not viruses – they aren’t like Trojans, Spyware or Ransomware virus programs and they would normally not inflict damage on your system. Nevertheless, there are risks associated with the presence of a hijacker on a computer that should not be ignored. “Virus”

The main reason for writing this article is actually a newly released hijacker app that goes under the name of Just like the rest of its category, this software component has a number of rather unpleasant and irritating abilities that could really get on your nerves if you have this app on your machine. However, as we mentioned above, irritation and annoyance isn’t the only issue with hijacker apps. Another problem is the potential for security hazards that your computer might get exposed to if an app like is active on it. Normally, there’s little to no control over the reliability of the advertising materials that get streamed to the user’s browser by such hijackers. This means that it is perfectly possible that displays ads on your screen and causes redirects to pages that aren’t really safe and reliable. In some cases, you might even get your system targeted by highly-dangerous and malicious virus threats the ranks of Ransomware, Spyware, Rootkits, Worms, Trojans and so on. Surely, this isn’t something you’d want to happen to your machine which is why we advise you to take the necessary actions and uninstall the unpleasant hijacker app from your computer. Now, we understand that the uninstallation and removal of a hijacker might not be all that simple which is why we have made sure to offer our readers a detailed and easy-to-use guide manual as well as a professional removal tool for unwanted and hazardous software. You could find both the guide and the removal tool on this page so do not hesitate to use them against

Be careful with program installers

Most users are sensible to avoid spam messages, malvertising ads and shady sites and pages which are all potential sources for hijackers. However, what many people forget about is to customize the installation of new programs before they launch the installation process. By that we mean that one should always check for bundled bonus content in the setup managers for new programs as there could easily be a hijacker that has been added in there. Oftentimes, the options that allow you to leave out the bundled components are “hidden” under the Manual/Custom installation menu so do not forget to check that menu out if its available and opt-out of the installation of any added content you deem suspicious and potentially undesirable.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove “Virus”

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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