SearchScopes Malware

This page aims to help you remove SearchScopes “Malware”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

SearchScopes is no virus, it is not some nasty Trojan Horse that can ruin your computer system and it is not some Ransomware that can encrypt your files and ask you to pay a ransom for their release. However, what SearchScopes “Malware” is, is a browser hijacker and while this isn’t something that should get you panicked in case you have this software component on your PC, it’s still important to know the main traits and characteristics of this potentially unwanted app. The reason why SearchScopes (as well as most other hijackers) are seen a unwanted has to do with their ability to get added to any browser (Chrome, Opera, IE, Edge, Firefox, Vivaldi, etc.) and then introduce unwanted changes to the browser such as homepage, search engine and new-tab page replacement. In addition, there would usually be frequent page redirects and ads generation conducted by a hijacker app like this one. All of this is, of course, done with the purpose of promoting something. The object of promotion and advertisement could be anything – sites, web stores, software or physical products, online services, Internet games, etc. Now, the advertisement campaigns conducted by hijackers, although quite aggressive in most of the cases, aren’t typically harmful to your PC. Sure, your machine might get slowed-down due to the ceaseless generation of advertising contents and redirects to random sponsored pages but this won’t really harm your machine in any way.

Why you should get rid of the browser hijacker

As we already said, SearchScopes “Malware” isn’t a Trojan, a Ransomware or some other form of computer virus. However, it’s still best if you remove this unpleasant hijacker if it’s in your system right now. The more obvious reason is the sheer irritation that would likely come from it. You surely don’t want to be constantly getting subjected to all kinds of web advertising activities each time you try to use your browsing program.

However, this isn’t actually the only problem you could encounter if a hijacker like SearchScopes is in your system. The greater issue actually comes from the nature of the ads displayed by such apps and their unverified reliability. You see, a hijacker’s developer doesn’t really care what ads come to your screen as long as you interact with them. This means you could easily get displayed sketchy and unreliable advertising content and, as you probably know, a lot of online criminals and hackers tend to use such promotional web content for their criminal activities (mainly, for distributing the malware they’ve created). So, it’s actually really easy and likely to land on some unsafe ads that could actually redirect you to hazardous web locations should you interact with the said ads. Of course, the fact that you have SearchScopes on your machine doesn’t automatically mean that your machine will get immediately targeted by hackers that want to infect it with malware. However, the risk is still there which is why it’s best if you take care of the hijacker issue on time, before it has turned into something worse.

Hijacker distribution and removal

Similarly to most other forms of undesirable software, browser hijackers tend to get distributed through sneaky distribution methods like spam messages, malvertising, social network spam, unreliable downloadable content, shady streaming sites and so on. Some hijackers even have their official sites where they are promoted as useful and helpful tools for the user’s browser (which, of course, is hardly ever the case in reality). File bundles are also frequently used to distribute unpleasant apps like SearchScopes. For instance, you could land a hijacker by installing some other program that has had the pesky software component added to its installer as a bonus feature. The good news is you could prevent that from happening in the future by simply unchecking the checkmarks next to any bundled components that you might not want to have on your PC.

As far as the removal of SearchScopes is concerned,we are confident you could handle this yourself as long as you follow the instructions presented in our removal guide manual on this page. Still, if you feel like the steps in the guide are too advanced and you don’t feel confident going through them on your own, know that you could instead use the suggested removal software available in the guide and uninstall the pesky hijacker with its help. Needless to say, you could combine both of the removal methods and that way really make sure there’s no undesirable and unwanted data related to the intrusive hijacker left on your computer.


Name SearchScopes
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove SearchScopes Malware

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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