Similar Photo Cleaner Mac

Similar Photo Cleaner

Similar Photo Cleaner is regarded as an adware. Threats like Similar Photo Cleaner are known to cause different problems like changing of the user’s designated home page or even the preferred browser of choice and a number of unwanted pop-up ads.

Similar Photo Cleaner

The Similar Photo Cleaner Virus will try to trick you by claiming it will make your computer faster.

If an adware app named Similar Photo Cleaner is bothering you and preventing you from surfing the Internet without getting randomly redirected to different promotional pages and ads, then you might want to read the next lines as below you will be able to find the answers to questions like “Is Similar Photo Cleaner dangerous?”, “What is an adware app?”, “How can I remove this annoying software from my PC?” and “How did Similar Photo Cleaner get installed on my computer?”. Generally, when struggling with any type of undesirable software, it is important to have some basic information about its nature. In the case of Similar Photo Cleaner, this is a pesky app that targets popular browsing programs like Firefox, Chrome, Edge and so on and fills them with annoying commercial messages, pop-ups, banners, blinking box messages and so on.

Similar Photo Cleaner On Mac

Similar Photo Cleaner is categorized as an adware by security experts. Similar Photo Cleaner is known to cause browser redirects and different pop-up advertisements in addition to security vulnerabilities.

Usually, the main purpose of most such browser add-on like components is to earn advertising revenue which is why their advertising activities are so aggressive and invasive. The more ads it shows you and the more promoted pages it redirects you to, the higher the amount of money that the people behind it are going to get. Of course, this doesn’t benefit you in any way – in fact, the presence of an adware in your system can be rather frustrating and quite unpleasant. However, there are some good news for you in case you have this application on your machine. First and foremost, this is no virus or Trojan Horse or Ransomware infection or some other type of scary malware that can harm you. Secondly, though you might find it difficult to remove Similar Photo Cleaner on your own, if you take a look at the instructions below and follow them closely, you should be able to manually eliminate the unwanted software without need for extra help.

The Similar Photo Cleaner Virus

Similar Photo Cleaner is an adware type of a security nuisance. Similar Photo Cleaner is categorized by the website redirects and pop-up ads it causes but it could potentially lead to even more serious problems.

We say that because, even though the adware itself is not an overly hazardous piece of software, it can still be somewhat risky to randomly click on the advertising contents that it spams you with. Not all web adverts and requests are safe as you probably already know, and this also applies to the ads generated by some adware apps. Now, we are not saying that Similar Photo Cleaner necessarily has unsafe ads but it’s still possible that you might get shown some obscure link or pop-up that could eventually lead you to pages that distribute Ransomware, Spyware and other insidious computer threats.

How to get rid of Similar Photo Cleaner?

If you want to get rid of Similar Photo Cleaner on Mac quickly try this:

  1. Open Finder located in the bottom left of your screen.
  2. Go to the Applications menu.
  3. Find and uninstall Similar Photo Cleaner.
  4. Uninstall Similar Photo Cleaner by clicking on the thrash icon next to it.
  5. Click on empty thrash to get rid of Similar Photo Cleaner.

After you take away Similar Photo Cleaner, also remember to be cautious from now on so as not to get any more adware components installed on your system. Bear in mind that most such apps tend to get put inside software bundles and use this as their main method of distribution. Therefore, always make sure to carefully explore the installers of new programs you wish to install on the PC to see if there isn’t anything optional that you might want to leave out.


Name Similar Photo Cleaner
Type Adware
Detection Tool

How to remove Similar Photo Cleaner Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.



About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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