Win Snare Virus

Win Snare

If you are reading this page, you are most probably facing some strange activity on your screen. Numerous ads, pop-ups, banners and new tabs are probably disturbing your normal browsing and the reason for that is an adware program called Win Snare “Virus”, which has recently invaded your Chrome or Firefox browser.

The chance is that you may feel some irritation and disturbance, caused by the intrusive way this potentially unwanted program interrupts you. That’s why here we have dedicated a whole article on how to effectively remove this adware and all of its annoying messages. In the next lines we will explain how exactly Win Snare operates, whether there any security risks related to it and how to uninstall all of its components from your machine using the removal guide below.

What is Win Snare?

Win Snare is an adware program that operates by making some undesired changes in the user’s browser and displaying tons of sponsored advertisements, pop-ups, banners, and pages no their screen. Once it gets installed on your machine, this program may easily replace your homepage with another one, which has been promoted by the adware partners. Your default search engine may also be substituted by another one, which may redirect most of your searches to different ads, promotions, and online offers. All this is done to ensure that you are seeing more advertisements and eventually click on them because every click you make generates revenue for the Win Snare developers. This is possible through the famous Pay-Per-Click model, which many businesses and software developers now widely use to make profit out of paid sponsored ads. Despite this method being legal, the behavior of adware is mostly referred to by the affected users as potentially unwanted, and they often seek for ways to remove it from their computers in order to restore their normal browser settings.

Is Win Snare “virus” really a virus?

Those of you not really familiar with how exactly adware works may easily mistake it for a virus or some kind of malicious infection. The way these programs impose their changes and flood your screen with ads may really be an unpleasant experience. However, the good news is that adware is not malicious. Yes, indeed there are many malicious threats out there such as Trojans, Spyware, Ransomware and different viruses, but adware is not one of them. This software is specialized in displaying nagging ads, redirecting your searches and showing you all sorts of promotional web pages, which may not really be relevant or useful in any particular way, but certainly, cannot do harm to your machine the way a nasty Ransomware infection could. Preventing access to your data, spying on you, file encryption and system infiltration are just some of the malicious activities you should be concerned about, when it comes to malware of this type but none of them are related to ad-generating programs like Win Snare.

However, adware can still be a source of annoyance, especially when it constantly exposes you to unknown web pages, aggressively popping boxes and notifications. In such cases, you can never be sure whether the pages you get redirected to are safe, legal or compromised. Closing them may also be a hard task because clicking on one may automatically bring a series of new tabs and ads on your screen. That’s why the best is to simply avoid clicking on them if you want to avoid some well-masked malicious infections that may eventually be lurking inside the ads you are exposed to. Or better yet, simply remove the source of all of them.

How to keep adware away?

This type of software is distributed on various online platforms, file sharing sites, torrent sites, online installers and via spam emails. If you install free software on your computer mostly from such places, you are more likely to come across adware and different potentially unwanted components, which are often found in software bundles. They may silently get installed without notice the moment you run the bundle of the desired program “as is”. Not reading the EULA and not checking the advanced or custom options in the setup may cost you the disturbance of a program like Win Snare later. That’s why to keep such potentially unwanted software away we advise you to always select the most detailed installation options and carefully read the full list of programs within the given bundle you are about to install. This may save you a lot of headache dealing with potentially unwanted software in the future.


Name Win Snare
Type Adware
Detection Tool

Remove Win Snare Virus 

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • You ought to delete them since they are certainly coming from the undesirable program.

  • It is best if this IP address gets removed since it shouldn’t be in the Hosts file.

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