[email protected] Ransomware

This page aims to help you remove [email protected] for free. Our instructions also cover how any .Btc file can be recovered.

Ransomware viruses are a type of computer malware that is both very difficult to detect and deal with after an infection has occurred. Viruses from that category are rather unique in the sense that they do not seek to cause any direct harm to the infected machine or to the data stored inside it. Instead, a Ransomware program would typically try to block the access to the computer or encrypt the files on it so that the user wouldn’t be able to open and/or use them. Those are actually the two main subcategories of Ransomware – the screen-lockers and the cryptoviruses. The screen-locked Ransomware programs use a big banner that gets superimposed onto the user’s screen. The banner covers everything an the user is thus unable to use their computer as long as the banner remains present. Cryptoviruses, on the other hand, use a process known as encryption that can make any targeted file inaccessible by locking it up.

Btc 300x179

.Btc Ransomware File

Cryptoviruses typically targeted files that belong to commonly used file formats such as text, audio and image files as well as spreadsheets, databases and others. The whole idea behind the locking of the user’s screen or the encryption of their personal data files is so that after the malware’s job has been completed, the hacker would have leverage upon their victim upon which they’d be able to demand a ransom request. According to hackers who use Ransomware to harass their victims, unless the demanded money is paid, the PC or the data would remain locked for good. Now, here we have to mention that screen-lockers are typically less advanced than cryptoviruses and typically a user with some experience and computing skills should be able to manually deal with such an infection. However, the same cannot be said with regards to cryptoviruses – those malicious programs are usually very advanced and a lot of work get put into them so that they could be as difficult to deal with as possible. The fact that they use encryption to complete their task is a very important factor that makes them one of the most problematic kind of malware out there. Still, in this article, we will try to offer you a possible way of handling [email protected] – one of the latest versions of cryptovirus Ransomware.

We can’t guarantee that our methods suggested on this page would certainly work but we still highly recommend you give them a try as the ransom payment alternative is certainly a course of action that you should only consider as a last resort option. Remember – a hacker who has attacked your machine and sealed your personal data documents doesn’t care if you’d ever get the files back. As long as the cyber-criminal manages to extort money from you, their goal would have been reached meaning that they might simply decide not to provide you with the means to regain access to the files that they have locked up. If you currently have [email protected] on your machine and if your data is currently held hostage by this malware, bear in mind what we’ve just mentioned.

Encryption issues

The encryption process is in the center of everything that a Ransomware cryptovirus does. It allows the malware to complete its task and it also enables it to stay hidden and unnoticed in nearly all infection instances. Ransomware viruses like [email protected] typically give no symptoms that would give their presence away. Also, even reputed, high-quality antivirus programs might be unable to detect such an infection since in most cases there’s no actual harm caused to the machine or to the files. The encryption simply places a “protection” on the files it has targeted. The problem is that those files are actually “protected” from their owner since the user wouldn’t have the decryption key to access them. In fact, this decryption key is the object of the blackmailing scheme – if the user pays, they’d supposedly receive the said key.

You really need to keep your PC safe

We already mentioned that we can’t guarantee success even if you complete each and every step of the guide. The main problem with cryptoviruses is that even if they get removed, the encryption remains on the files, keeping the inaccessible. Now, there are several suggested data-recovery methods that we have provided in the guide but we can give no promises regarding how successful they’d be in your specific case. Knowing that, you probably understand just how crucial it is that you make sure that no such infections reach your PC again. For that purpose, you ought to ensure that you don’t visit any shady sites on the Internet and that you only use download sources with good reputation. Also, avoid opening e-mails or other web-messages if they look like spam as this is one extremely popular malware distribution method. Trojan backdoor viruses are also frequently used for spreading Ransomware so having a good security program to keep them at bay is a must. Lastly, remember that if you have a backup of your important files, even if your machine gets attacked by Ransomware, you’d still have copies of those files on your backup so we advise you to get one a backup location set up ASAP.


Name [email protected]
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

Remove [email protected] Ransomware

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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