Save The Queen Ransomware

This page aims to help you remove Save The Queen Ransomware Virus for free. Our instructions also cover how any .savethequeen file can be recovered.

Save The Queen Ransomware

Save The Queen Ransomware is a cryptovirus that restricts access to digital documents, images, archives, databases, and system records through encryption. To remove the encryption, Save The Queen Ransomware asks the owner of the encrypted data to pay a ransom for a decryption key.

Save The Queen Ransomware

The Save The Queen Ransomware will start encrypting your files right after infiltrating your system.

Another common feature of this type of malware is its ability to generate a scary ransom-requesting message that tells the user that he needs to pay a fixed amount of money within a fixed deadline. The purpose of this message is to scare the victims by telling them that if they refuse to pay the money that the hackers demand their files may be lost forever. If you have already been intimidated by such a message, in this post, we will share some good and very relevant security tips with you, as well as some potentially effective file-recovery methods to help you remove Save The Queen Ransomware and minimize the effects of its attack.

The Savethequeen Virus

The Save The Queen virus is a Ransomware-based computer threat that extorts money from web users by encrypting their files and demanding a ransom to decrypt them. The Save The Queen Ransomware virus typically restricts access to work-related documents, archives, databases, system records, audio files, video clips, and images.

The crooks behind the infection will typically try to convince you that if you pay the money, you will get a decryption key that will restore your information back to normal. However, in reality, there is no guarantee that they will give you a file-decryption key or another file-recovery solution. In the worst-case scenario, the hackers may simply vanish after getting your money, leaving all your important work-related or personal data encrypted forever.

You can get infected with the Save The Queen Ransomware virus in many ways. Here are some of the most common methods such malware can use to get distributed across the web:

  • Spam emails – any shady-looking email sent to you can hold a virus such as Savethequeen or other Ransomware versions. Therefore, we suggest that you never open spam messages from unknown senders or those with questionable content.
  • Attachments shared via email or instant messaging apps –  some questionable-looking .exe files, documents, and pictures may contain malware and once you click on them, you may get contaminated.
  • Malicious advertisements – Malvertising (malicious advertising) is a common method that helps cybercriminals to successfully distribute Ransomware. The crooks typically use fake pop-ups and other types of ads that look attractive and trick the users into clicking on them just to get them rerouted to infected web sites and other sources of malware.

The Save The Queen file encryption

The Save The Queen file encryption is a process that runs in the background of the system and renders user files inaccessible one by one. The Save The Queen file encryption starts shortly after the Ransomware has sneaked inside the computer and runs without visible symptoms until all files get encrypted.

So what’s the solution to such a serious problem? Sadly, after the attack has already been done, there is no solution that can prove 100% effective. Nonetheless, using some special software that can help you detect and remove the Ransomware or contacting a security specialist from your area for advice is a good course of action. What is important is to always look for alternatives rather than make the ransom payment directly. That’s why we encourage you to try our removal guide below as one of the possible alternatives. With its help, you will hopefully be able to remove Save The Queen Ransomware and get some ideas on how to potentially restore some of your files.


Name Save The Queen Ransomware
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

Save The Queen Ransomware Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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