
Home ยป Browser Hijacker ยป Sealoid


Sealoid is potentially unwanted software that can cause unusual behavior in the browser, sudden page redirects, and aggressive ad-generation. Sealoid can be found as an optional feature in free or cheap apps, hidden under the custom setup options of the installer.

The Sealoid Virus manipulate your browser(s)

If you have Sealoid on your computer but are not sure how this app got there, this program-bundling technique is probably what got the unwanted app installed on your computer. Most users forget to check the Custom/Advanced setup settings of the programs they install which is what oftentimes allows hijackers to get installed in the system as well.

Once the unwanted page-redirecting app attaches itself to the main browser on the computer, the first thing it does is it changes the homepage address and installs a new search engine tool. Any browser could get affected in this way and not only Chrome and Firefox. It’s just that those two browsers are the most widely-used ones and that’s why they get hijackers the most often.

The goal of Sealoid

The purpose of this app or any other piece of software that can be categorized as a browser hijacker is to advertise and make money through its paid ads and site promotions. The more users have Sealoid on their PCs, the greater the profit earned by the hijacker. However, since this app doesn’t really benefit the user by providing them with useful features, there’s no reason for people to keep such a hijacker in their systems. The developers of this type of apps, however, don’t want users to uninstall their products because that would decrease the overall profit from the paid popups and banners. That is why most hijackers are rather difficult to uninstall. Those apps are intentionally designed to have tricky uninstallation processes that most users would not be able to complete on their own. Some hijackers even make changes in the Registry settings and secretly install helper elements on the computer, thus allowing themselves to get automatically reinstalled even after having been seemingly removed. This is why, even if you remove Sealoid, it may return to your browser soon after you have completed the uninstallation. It is also why it is very important not only to remove the hijacker but also to eliminate all of the settings changes and additional data that it has left on your computer. Only then could you be certain that this undesirable app would no longer bother you.

Is this app dangerous?

The likelihood of your PC getting harmed by Sealoid is rather low because causing damage is not the purpose of most hijackers. However, the presence on your computer of an advertising app like this one that uncontrollably spams you with promotional content can still mean potential danger. Ransomware, Trojans, and other dangerous viruses can sometimes be found in the sites promoted by such apps. Because of that, it is best to never interact with anything that’s been put on your screen by a hijacker, or else you may fall victim to some harmful Trojan infection or Ransomware virus. In order to ensure that no more unwanted ads and page redirects get spammed on your screen, our suggestion is to uninstall the hijacker with the assistance of the following instructions.


Name Sealoid
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

How To Remove Sealoid

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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