Search Space Malware

Search Space

Search Space is a browser add-on that will automatically open certain sites in your browser without your permission in order to promote them. Search Space can be categorized as a browser hijacker as it also changes certain elements of the browser to further push its site-promoting agenda.

Search Space

The Search Space malware can read your browser history and restricts you from going to certain websites

Browser hijacker apps like Search Space should be removed from the computer because their presence there could potentially contribute to the system’s exposure to various dangers on the Internet. The uncontrolled page redirects, as well as some of the changes made by the hijacker in the browser, could compromise the safety of your browser and thus make it more likely for threats such as Trojans and Ransomware viruses to attack you.

A common change that hijacker apps make in browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Firefox is the replacement of the homepage of the browser. The search engine may also be changed to further facilitate the advertising activities of the unwanted app. The newly installed search engine tool that the unwanted app has made your browser’s default one would likely seek to promote the sites that sponsor the hijacker by showing many ads of them amid its search results (maybe without even marking them as advertised content).

For many users, the irritation and the obstruction caused by the presence of a browser hijacker in the browser is enough to make them try to uninstall the intrusive application. However, even if you aren’t too bothered by the hijacker’s attempts to advertise certain websites, you should still take action towards deleting this undesirable browser add-on. As we mentioned at the start, a hijacker could, potentially, lead to certain security issues with your computer’s system and maybe even contribute to its exposure to malicious threats from the Internet, including stealthy Trojan horse infections and file-locking Ransomware cryptoviruses.

The SearchSpace Extension

The main reason experts consider hijacker apps like the SearchSpace extension potentially unsafe isn’t that the unwanted app itself can harm your computer. The main task for which apps like the SearchSpace extension are used is advertising – making money through the paid popups and banners generated by the hijacker.

However, the problem is that some of the websites that get promoted by this app may not be what they initially seem. It’s a well-known fact that many illegal or, at the very least, low-reputation sites employ the promoting services of browser hijackers so as to gain more visits to their pages. In most cases, those sites won’t contain anything that could directly endanger your computer but, since you could never really know if the sites Search Space opens in your browser are safe, it’s best to not allow this app to automatically reroute your browser without your permission. In the worst-case scenario, a hijacker like this one may redirect you to malware-infested web-locations where you could unknowingly get your computer attacked by all kinds of malicious viruses. Even though this doesn’t happen too often, it’s still best if you uninstall the advertising app and remove any of the modifications it has introduced to your browser.


Name Search Space
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

How To Remove Search Space Extension from Chrome

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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