Sorebrect Ransomware (Psexec)


This page aims to help you remove Sorebrect Ransomware for free. Our instructions also cover how any Sorebrect Ransomware file can be recovered.

Sorebrect Ransomware is a type of Ransomware threat which usually infects your computer through fraud and encrypts the files, found on it, with a very complex algorithm. The encryption keeps the files hostage while the hackers, who control the malware, ruthlessly place their ransom demands. They offer a secret decryption key that can reverse the harmful encryption but they usually trade it only for a fat amount of money, requested in Bitcoins. There are not many ways that can help you counteract such infection, but on this page, our “How to remove” team has done its best to assemble a free removal guide, which may eventually help you to deal with Sorebrect Ransomware and the consequences of its attack. Take a look at what we have prepared, and let us know if you found the information that follows helpful.

The Sorebrect Ransomware cryptovirus – what does it do?

When a sophisticated Ransomware threat like Sorebrect Ransomware enters your computer system, it usually encrypts the files on the infected computer, as well as the data, which can be found on all the devices connected to it. This way, it prevents your access to any of your projects, documents, work files, images and all the stuff that you keep on your hard drives.  In addition, the Ransomware sometimes adds a different file extension to the encrypted files just to make sure that no program or software can recognize and open them. This whole thing is done with a simple idea – to blackmail the victims for the access of their data. Unable to open or use any of their important documents and files, the users are an easy target for the criminal hackers, who control the Ransomware. With the help of an automatically generated ransom message, the crooks inform them that they have to pay ransom. The victims receive information about the virus, what he has done on their system, and what needs to be done to return the encrypted files.

The hackers ask you to purchase a decryption key!

Sorebrect Ransomware usually requires the purchase of a special decryption key if the users want to retrieve the files and access them again. However, you should not hurry with the payment. Security Computing Experts alarm that not only this is a form of sponsorship for the criminal Ransomware scheme, but does not guarantee the decryption of the affected files. And indeed, if you think of it, what is the use for the hackers to send you anything once they have got the money they want? It is much safer for them to hide their traces and vanish rather than deal with you and your encrypted data.

But what should you do then? There are not many options you can choose from because reversing the encryption that Sorebrect Ransomware applies is generally not possible without the special key. However, there are a few things you can try, which may help you get back at least some of your data for free. First, don’t panic and think of recovering your data by importing it from backups ( cloud storage or external drive) or from some copies that you keep on other non-infected devices. You can also use the file-restoration instructions, included in the guide below, or seek for some specialized Ransomware recovery tools on the web. Before proceeding with your attempts to recover your files, however, you must remove Sorebrect Ransomware and all of its traces from your computer. If you don’t do that, everything that you manage to recover may get encrypted again. The removal guide below is supposed to help you identify and delete the Ransomware, but you have to carefully follow its instructions. 

How does the Sorebrect Ransomware infection spread and what can you do to prevent the attack?

From all that we said above you already gained an idea why Ransomware infections like Sorebrect Ransomware are not good for your system and how dangerous they can be. The good thing is that if you take precautions in time, you can prevent them from causing you harm.  It is very important to protect your computer BEFORE the cryptovirus enters it, because usually very little can be done after the system has been attacked. This includes to make regular backups of your files and to install reliable anti-malware software that has a real-time protection feature. Such a program can identify viruses and prevent attacks on your system. Be sure to update it regularly. Also, do not go to unreliable sites and avoid clicking on aggressive pop-up ads, spam messages, emails, and attachments. Remember – even a carefree click on an infected link can get malware into your system.


Name Sorebrect Ransomware
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

Remove Sorebrect Ransomware

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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