Terela Virus

This page aims to help you remove the Terela Virus Program. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Terela Virus Program is a type of advertising software, which may take over all your browser apps – Firefox, Explorer, Opera and/or Chrome (and all the other browser apps); and might cause some very annoying changes to these apps:

  • You may get redirected to unknown websites every time you try to open a selected website that you wish to visit. Thus, your entire browsing experience could be affected.
  • Your browser apps might begin to broadcast too many online ads. Pop-ups, banners and colorful boxes could appear all over your browser whenever you try to browse the Internet.
  • Terela Virus Program may even substitute the browser homepage and search engine you have always used with new ones – often unrecognizable and annoying to you.

This program’s type is a browser hijacker. The good news is that generally, these programs are not among the most disturbing online threats. Nonetheless, the “unpleasant” news is that they may play with your nerves by displaying ads and opening various web pages without your asking for that. Hijackers represent a kind of software, which is strictly oriented towards browsers. Indeed, no other aspect of your system will ever get affected by such a program. This kind of software may only access and modify your browsers. Terela Virus Program, as a typical representative of this group, is only able to change your browsers – nothing less and nothing more could be performed by it.

What you probably don’t know about Terela Virus Program

Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that all programs from the hijacker family actually serve the online marketing industry. The coordinated efforts of product manufacturers, service providers and developers to keep up with the increasingly online-based communication have resulted in the creation of such software. Really, we can consider them equal to the ad campaigns, conducted on the TV and on the Radio, which we are quite used to seeing every day. This cooperation scheme has been named PPC {pay per click} and its name explains how it works. The more ads you see, the more redirecting you experience and the more new homepages are set; the more successful the advertising process is considered. That’s why programmers usually make browser hijackers a work in overdrive, hence why they are perceived as “intrusive” – to make more money from them. In fact, there is really nothing you should worry about and we will give you some actual proof of the harmless nature of Terela Virus Program and its siblings in the text below.

Is this program simply unwanted or actually dangerous?

We are positive that Terela Virus Program does NOT represent a version of malware. To be more precise, this program is a simple advertising tool and can’t do you and your PC any harm. In order not to talk in vain, but to point out the contrast between any browser hijacker and any very malicious program, we are going to show you how Terela Virus Program differs from a Ransomware-based virus. There are a lot of crucial differences if we discuss these two sorts of programs, however, the biggest ones concern the way hijackers get distributed and the way Ransomware viruses spread; as well as the manner in which they affect your PC in general. For instance, when we talk about the distribution differences, we must point out that viruses are able to automatically self-install on your PC, while every single Browser Hijacker will need your direct/indirect permission and its developers will always look for a way to trick you into including it into your system. One more example deals with the way Terela Virus Program and a typical Ransomware may affect your PC. While the hijacker might only “hijack” the control over your browsers, the Ransomware will actually hijack all your regularly accessed files and block you from accessing them, requiring a ransom for their decryption. No hijacker is capable of such harassment.

Places where hijackers tend to lurk

Still, you will not need such a persistently annoying piece of software on your computer. Quite as you might expect, the most efficient way to solve any hijacker infection is to never catch such a program in the first place. In order to efficiently secure your device and stop it from getting infected, you have to be aware of the potential sources of such software. When we talk about Adware and hijackers, the biggest source is bundling. Bundling is the process of putting many various games and apps together, and spreading them in a combo called a bundle, normally for free. Such sets are generally harmless if you know how to install them in a proper way. The basic and most essential tip is: whatever you install onto your system, do it in the slower but more detailed way – by selecting the ADVANCED or the CUSTOMIZED installation method.

How to deal with this hijacker once and for all

In case your machine has already come across Terela Virus Program, please, see the Removal Guide below. We have created it and tested it with the single intention to help you remove this hijacker forever.


Name Terela 
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Terela Virus Program Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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