TuneUpMyMac Virus Malware



TuneUpMyMac is a program claiming to be “a powerful and easy- to-use utility for your Mac”. Supposedly it should help you speed up your mac device and optimize and free up additional hard drive space. However this program is considered a PUP or PUA. However it should be noted that it is not in fact a real virus or malware.

If your computer is invaded by TuneUpMyMac, you may start getting annoying pop-up, ads and banner messages while browsing the web and receiving redirects to various suspicious and aggressive sites. Your Chrome, Firefox or Safari may become unresponsive to your searches and a strange new homepage or search engine may replace the default one. Such invasive behavior may often be mistaken for a virus infection and a lot of users, who face TuneUpMyMac, are not able to determine the level of harmfulness of this program. Therefore, you may often see in forums and websites that users refer to it as a nasty Trojan or some other type of a virus. However, this is not true because the activity described above, despite being very annoying and invasive, has nothing to do with cyber crimes, Ransomware blackmail schemes or other types of fraud. This is a program that could be classified as a PUP and in the paragraphs below, we will tell you more about it. If you landed on this page seeking for an effective solution to remove the annoying program, stay with us because at the end we have published a detailed removal guide with step-by-step instructions on that. But first, let us tell you what exactly you are dealing with and what can you expect if you keep such software on your system.

What is the purpose of TuneUpMyMac and why is it invading your browser?

There is one type of software that is specially developed to serve the online advertising industry. This type of software often uses aggressive methods such as browser hijacking, search redirecting and continuous generation of ads, banners and promotional messages with the sole idea to expose you to various commercial sites and offers and prompt you to click on them. TuneUpMyMac “Virus”, basically, is doing exactly that with you and from the moment it becomes part of your system it starts to flood your screen with annoying and very intrusive ads, new tabs, homepage or search engine modifications and browser toolbars. As you can see, such activity aims to advertise and is usually not related to criminal deeds, online fraud or theft, which is very typical for viruses and malicious threats such as Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware, etc.

However, despite not being malicious, a piece of software like TuneUpMyMac can be very annoying and may significantly decrease the quality of your web browsing. For this reason, many security experts will advise you to remove the imposed changes and uninstall the software from their system. The problem is that a regular web user may not know how to do that because the ad-generating scripts installed by such programs often integrate deep into the system. The good news is that on this page, we have prepared a detailed guide with exact steps, which can help even a non-experienced user detect and remove this hijacker. For more convenience for those of you who want to uninstall the PUP automatically, there is also a professional removal tool, which can scan and eliminate all the traces in one click.

How has TuneUpMyMac hijacked your system?

Typically, potentially unwanted programs such as TuneUpMyMac “malware” spread hand-in-hand with other free software and can be installed without the user’s knowledge. This happens because the information about installing additional programs is hidden behind the default installation or the standard one, and the majority of computer users rely on these options. To prevent installing additional apps, we recommend that you use Manual or Detailed Installation, and then check out any unwanted plugins by unmarking them. Only after that, you can complete the installation as usual. We also recommend that you inform your employees and/or your family about how to install software correctly and warn them of such software bundles and their sources, which include free download platforms, torrent sites, shareware or freeware pages, spam messages, ads and direct download links from the web.

How to safely remove TuneUpMyMac from your computer

Generally, it is advisable to uninstall the PUP from your Mac even if it is not considered malicious. The reason is such software may reduce the performance of your computer, generate an infinite stream of pop-ups and try to trick you to click on them or redirect you to various unfamiliar web locations. If you rely on some random redirects and popping messages to manipulate your searches you may eventually bump into some real malware and catch a nasty virus, which is a very possible scenario. That’s why we recommend you to remove the intrusive messages by uninstalling TuneUpMyMac and all of its ad-generating scripts from your system. You can do that manually or automatically. Both options are explained below so, choose the method you most like and get your browser back to normal again.


Name TuneUpMyMac
Type PUP
Detection Tool

TuneUpMyMac Virus Malware Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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