Weeplypriapic.website Virus


Weeplypriapic.website is an intrusive browser attachment designed to get added to Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser without the user’s informed permission and make unwanted changes. Browser-hijacking apps like Weeplypriapic.website tend to replace the search engine and homepage addresses, spam with ads, and cause automatic page-redirects.

The Weeplypriapic.website virus redirect your searches in order to make Pay-Per-View and Pay-Per-Click revenue

If you have noticed any sort of unusual behavior in your browser, such as sudden redirects to unknown pages, aggressive ad generation even on sites that don’t normally have intrusive ads, or changes in different elements of your browser, including its starting page or search engine, then you are almost certainly dealing with a hijacker like Weeplypriapic.website. While this shouldn’t be a reason to get panicked as hijackers are normally not major security threats like Ransomware or Trojans, you should still most definitely take the necessary measures to ensure that the rogue app isn’t allowed to remain on your computer.

In addition to being quite irritating and prone to interrupting one’s regular workflow, such apps could also result in security weaknesses in the system and thus expose you to more dangerous forms of software and/or to online scams.

What makes Weeplypriapic.website threatening

By itself, Weeplypriapic.website is not able to damage your files or take full control of your system, and it’s not supposed to. The main goal of this app is mainly advertising-oriented. Weeplypriapic.website is supposed to spam you with ads, and redirect your searches in order to make Pay-Per-View and Pay-Per-Click revenue for its developers. However, the way it achieves its goal can drastically increase the chances of your PC getting exposed to a variety of threats, including the aforementioned Trojans and Ransomware viruses. 

One way Weeplypriapic.website can expose you to such threats is if it redirects you to a hacker-hosted website used to distributed disguised malware that users may download onto their computers thinking it’s a free and useful program.

Furthermore, since many hijackers likeWeeplypriapic.website and Profitablecpmgate.com also make changes in the system’s Registry and services, this could make the system itself more vulnerable and thus increase the chances of it getting attacked by Zero-Day malware.

Another potential dangerous scenario is if you get rerouted to a phishing page that is made to appear like a known and reputed website and that is used for collecting personal user data such as credit or debit card numbers.

All in all, even though Weeplypriapic.website is not a particularly harmful piece of software, it’s certainly not something that should be allowed to stay on your computer if you’d like to keep the system safe and out of harm’s way.

The good news is that, if you take the time to complete the guide provided below and/or if you use the recommended professional removal tool, the hijacker should be gone from your computer in no time. Just remember that, after Weeplypriapic.website gets deleted, you make sure to stay safe on the Internet by never downloading software you aren’t sure is safe and by avoiding any sort of suspicious sites or content that you may come across while browsing. Doing so will not only protect you from hijackers but also from more unpleasant forms of rogue software.


Type Adware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Weeplypriapic.website Virus

To try and remove Weeplypriapic.website quickly you can try this:

  1. To remove Weeplypriapic.website, first clean the Apps & Features list from anything unknown or unwanted.
  2. Next, ensure that no Weeplypriapic.website processes are still active in the Task Manager.
  3. Clean your system settings (Registry, Services, etc.) and delete remaining rogue files.
  4. Remove Weeplypriapic.website elements from your browsers.

To successfully complete each of those four steps, please, carefully read the instructions shown below.

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide

Full removal instructions for Weeplypriapic.website

1 – Cleaning Apps & Features

Go to Apps & Features by searching for it in the Start Menu, look at the listed programs, sort them by date, and remove anything recently installed that may be linked to Weeplypriapic.website and/or that has a name similar to that of the hijacker. To uninstall a suspicious program, click its name, click on Uninstall, and then proceed with the uninstallation prompts that should show up. Carefully examine the options shown to you in the uninstaller and make sure that you don’t allow anything from the unwanted software to be kept on the computer.

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2 – Checking for rogue processes

Since there may still be hijacker processes active in your system, open the Task Manager with the Ctrl + Shift + Esc combination, sort the items in the processes tab by Memory or CPU usage, and see which ones are consuming the most resources. If among those processes there are ones that seem suspicious and possibly related to Weeplypriapic.website, see what information you can find about them on the Internet. Usually, if a process is rogue, you will quickly find online results that confirm it. Also, right-click the suspected process, select the Open File Location option, and use the scanner we’ve posted right below to see if any of the files in that folder contains malware.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.
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    If you determine that a given process in the Task Manager is rogue, first quit it in the Task Manager and then quickly delete the entire file location folder where its files are stored.

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    3 – Safe Mode

    It’s a good rule of thumb to make use of Safe Mode while you are trying to troubleshoot a given software issue, including issues related to the presence of a browser hijacker. Here is a guide that will help you boot your PC in Safe Mode, so make sure you follow it if you don’t already know how to do that.

    4 – Cleaning system settings

    If Weeplypriapic.website has managed to take over your browser, it has likely also made certain changes to a number of system settings that must now be cleaned in order to fully get rid of the hijacker. For this step, you need to type in the Start menu search bar each of the following items, open them one by one, and revoke any changes made to their settings.

    Regedit.exe – This is the Registry Editor of your PC and to open it, you must first provide your Admin permission by clicking Yes. Once the Editor is on your screen, press Ctrl + F and then use the search bar that shows up to search the Registry for items named Weeplypriapic.website. If a search result for Weeplypriapic.website is found, select it and press Del to delete it. After that, perform the same search again, delete the next found item, and proceed like that until you stop getting any search results.

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    Next, you should navigate to each of the next three Registry folders in the left panel of the Editor

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Random Directory. 
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main

    In each folder, look for Registry keys that seem to have unusual names that stand out from the rest either by being too long or by looking as if they are randomly generated. Let us know in the comments if and what such items are found in those locations, and we will tell you if you’d need to do anything about them.

    Services.msc – Check the list of services that appears and if there are items there that may be linked to Weeplypriapic.website, right-click on them, then click Properties, and change their Startup types to Disabled. After that, remember to click OK to save the changes.

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    Task Scheduler – Open the Task Scheduler Library folder from the top-left of the Task Scheduler window, look for any Weeplypriapic.website tasks or other questionable/unknown tasks shown in the central panel, and delete anything you think mustn’t be there.

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    Msconfig – Open the Startup section and select the Open Task Manager option (not needed on Windows 7). Then look at what apps are shown in the Startup items list and if Weeplypriapic.website or anything that may be linked to it is shown there, click on it, and select Disable. In general, it’s recommended to disable all unnecessary startup items as this would speed up your computer’s boot time.

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    5 – Deleting remaining Weeplypriapic.website data

    Even if Weeplypriapic.website is technically gone from your system, there may be some files that it has left behind within several folders on your computer. However, before you go there to delete any such files, search for Folder Options in the Start Menu, open the Folder Options settings, and click the View tab. There, find and enable the Show hidden files, folders, and drives option and then click OK.

    Now that the hidden files and folders on your PC have been made visible, copy-paste the following folder names (one by one) in the Start Menu search and open each folder. Then sort the items in the respective folder by creation date and delete everything that has been created since the hijacker’s installation. Once you reach the final folder, %Temp%, you’d need to delete everything there, rather than the most recent items. The easiest way to do that is to press Ctrl + A in the folder, then right-click on any of the selected items, and select Delete.

    • %AppData%
    • %LocalAppData%
    • %ProgramData%
    • %WinDir%
    • %Temp%
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    6 – Clean your browser

    The last step is to ensure that your browsers are clean and there’s no longer anything Weeplypriapic.website-related in them. This step may differ slightly depending on what browser you are using at the moment, but you should still be able to perform it rather easily if you follow the next instructions. Just note that you must clean all your browsers, not only the main one.

    Once you open the browser, go to its menu, then go to Settings, and type Search Engine in the search bar of the settings page. Now check what search engine is listed under the default search engine section and if it isn’t the one you typically use, change it back to your preferred search engine.

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    The next thing you must do is search for Permissions (or Site permissions) in Settings and then check each of the different permissions types. See what sites have been granted those permissions and if you don’t know or trust those sites or if you simply don’t want them to have the specific permission, be sure to revoke it. More specifically, make sure that the Ads and Notifications permissions are only granted to sites that you do indeed want to have those permissions. In general, we’d advise that no sites are allowed to spam you with ads or notifications.

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    Lastly, search for Clear data/Clear browsing data and click the respective option when it shows in the results. Then check all data types except the saved passwords and clean your browser’s data.

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    The images shown above are from the Microsoft Edge browser, but this step is done in a very similar way for most other windows-compatible browsers. Still, if you are using a different browser and aren’t sure how to complete any part of this step, be sure to request our help through the comments section.

    7 – Use specialized software (Bonus Step)

    In the unlikely scenario that Weeplypriapic.website is still bothering you even after you’ve completed all other steps, what we could recommend is using the professional anti-malware tool included on the current page as a means of fully deleting any browser hijacker or other unwanted/rogue software from your PC. The suggested app can quickly find and eliminate all data related to the undesirable app as well as protect you in the future against other similar rogue software. Furthermore, it can also keep your system safe from higher-caliber threats, including malicious Trojan Horses and Ransomware.

    About the author


    Brandon Skies

    Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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