Wi-Fi Authentication Error Android Fix

Wi-Fi is a key feature on a mobile phone and it can be very frustrating if you can’t connect to it. However, there can be a variety of reasons a Wi-Fi authentication error can occur. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to fix that if you have trouble connecting your smartphone to a wireless network. Below, you will find several ways to repair the Wi-Fi authentication error on android devices.

  1. Reboot your device

You should first try to restart your device if you have the Wi-Fi authentication error as this can fix the issue most of the time.

  1. Switch on and off the airplane mode

Sometimes, turning the airplane mode on and off on your Android can do the job and fix the Wi-Fi authentication issue. Simply go to your settings > airplane mode > on, keep it for a few seconds and then shut it off again.

  1. Reset the Internet network
  • Open Device Settings and select Wi-Fi.
  • Select the network to which you wish to connect.
  • Click the “Forget the Network” settings – this will delete the network’s data on your Android.
  • Select the Wi-Fi settings again and pick the same network. Type your password and let it connect.
  1. Reset network setup

Almost every network problem can be solved by resetting your phone’s network settings.

  • Go to Settings and select “Reset network configuration”.
  • Tap “Reset Settings”’ and confirm the reset if requested. All settings for Wi-Fi, mobile data and Bluetooth will be returned to the factory settings.
  • Check if this has fixed the issue and whether you can connect to the network.
    Reset network settings

    Reset network settings

  1. Check the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the network

In case that too many devices are already connected to the network, this can be the reason that you cannot connect. To fix this, you can open the settings of the router (if you have access to it) and see the number of connected devices. Turn some of the devices off and try to reconnect.

  1. Restart the router

Restart the router by switching it off for 30 seconds and then switching it on again.  Try connecting your phone back to the network once the router is restarted.

  1. Switch from DHCP to static

DHCP can be the default IP address for your computer. If so, the authentication error may be triggered. This is how to change it to static:

  • Tap the Start button on any Windows PC.
  • Open the command prompt and type cmd.
  • Type the ipconfig/all command and press Enter. You will see many details, but only the Default Gateway, the IPv4 address and the DNS servers are needed.
    Wireless Lan Adapter

    Wireless Lan Adapter

  • Write down the Gateway and DNS server values that see. To find an available IP address on your network, you will have to ping the network.
  • For that, open PowerShell and type ping and then type the address you want to test, beginning with the IP address of the router and then continuing up. It looks as follows: Ping Ping


  • If the system shows a ping time, a device with this IP address is already on the network. However, if you read the response “Destination host unreachable”, you can use this IP address to connect your device with the Wi-Fi. Write down the value you see. ping
  • Then, take your Android device, navigate to Settings, choose your Wi-Fi settings and put those values in there.
  1. Tap and hold your desired network.
  2. Select “Advanced”.
  3. Switch the DHCP to static settings.DHCP
  4. Enter the following information:
  • IP Address: the available IP address you found when using the Ping command.
  • Gateway: IP address of the default gateway.
  • DNS 1 and DNS 2: type IP addresses of the DNS servers.
  • Leave the rest of the fields in this form as default and press “Save”.
  1. Reset Android to factory settings

If none of the above-suggested steps works for your Android, you may eventually have to rest it to factory settings. Locate your phone’s reset factory data and scroll down to find the button.

Taping the button deletes all of the files, apps and settings and basically removes everything that prevents the phone from connecting. Keep in mind, tough, that this is a very drastic move, so before you do this, you will want to back up your information from the device.



About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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