
This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

A very irritating, though not too problematic software issue that many people face on a daily basis is going to be the topic that we will be focusing on throughout the following lines. The problem that we are talking about is a category of software applications/components called browser hijackers. Those are app similar to most regular extensions for browser programs like Chrome, IE, Opera, Edge, Firefox and other popular browsers but the main difference is that instead of improving the functionality of the user’s browser, they actually tend to decrease the quality of one’s online experience by streaming random ads on the user’s screen, redirecting the user to random unknown sites and pages and replacing certain elements of the browser such as its homepage and search engine without being allowed to do so by the user. Those are only the most typical abilities of a hijacker app but there could also be many more similar effects that such an application could have on your browser and on your Internet settings. For that, we have decided to tell you in this article more about this intrusive kind of software as well as offering you an easy an effective way of dealing with an issue like that. Note that we will be mainly focusing on one particular hijacker app called “Virus” as this is one of the newest additions to this class of software. It shares most of its characteristics with the other software components of its category so most of what we are about to say about “Virus” is likely going to apply to the majority of browser hijackers out there. One important thing that we should mention here is that, in order to put an end to the intrusive effects of the hijacker, you’d need to fully eliminate the pesky app – there’s normally no other reliable way of stopping the ads generation, the page redirects and of reverting the imposed browser changes. However, uninstalling a hijacker might sometimes require a bit more than simply opening its uninstallation wizard and clicking next until it’s removed. Most browser hijackers are developed in a way that normally makes their removal trickier than the removal of any other app or program. Because of that, you are likely to need some guidance in order to successfully eliminate especially if this is the first time you encounter an app like this one. Nevertheless, there’s no reason to be worried – as long as you make sure to closely follow the instructions from our removal guide below you should be able to easily get rid of the unpleasant piece of software in no time. We have also included a recommended removal tool for those of you who would prefer an automatic rather than a manual method for dealing with this issue. Just make sure you take care of the situation and bring your browser back to normal.

Is there anything to be worried about?

Any type of software that does something without your permission should handled with caution and should typically be removed from the computer in order to avoid any potential risks. However, hijackers the likes of “Virus” are not some nasty and highly dangerous PC viruses – they are not like Ransomware or Trojan Horses and are typically incapable of damaging or stealing anything from your PC. Apps like this one are all about advertising stuff inside the users’ browsers and while their methods of functioning might be rather aggressive, their activities are not supposed to cause any harm. That said, there are still potential, albeit indirect, risks associated with hijackers. The most problematic aspect is the ads and redirects since some of them might not be safe. If you want to ensure that your PC stays protected, we advise you to avoid them else you might land all kinds of nasty stuff like Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, Trojans, etc. Also, remember that it’s always best to simply get rid of the hijacker app and get it all over with.

Remember to customize the installation of new software!

Everybody knows that unwanted apps are likely to get distributed through spam messages, misleading ads, pirated programs and other similar methods and the majority of users know to keep away from such content. However, another really effective method of hijacker distribution is the file-bundling where the unwanted app is included in another program’s installer as an optional element. To prevent it from getting installed on your PC alongside the main program, one would normally need to access the Custom setup menu and uncheck the hijacker entry from there. Make sure to remember and apply that piece of advice the next time you are about to install something new on your PC in order to avoid landing any more undesirable apps.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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