Winvmx Client Virus

Winvmx Client

In the following text you will learn some essential details about Winvmx Client Virus and the potential problems, which may happen to you because of the infection with such a virus. What’s more, we have attached a specialized Removal Guide, which is designed to remove this Trojan-like program from your PC.

What kind of software is Winvmx Client Virus exactly?

According to the popular classification, Winvmx Client Virus is an exemplary representative of the Trojan malware category. When we talk about computing and programming, a Trojan horse is every malicious piece of software, which could be exploited for breaking into your system (and sometimes even taking another virus (Ransomware) with it as a companion). Such a contamination type might be so subtle and unnoticeable that it could easily mislead you in terms of its true intentions and plans. Precisely, there is a wide variety of different Trojans. What puts them all in the same software family is the fact that they are typically exploited by cyber criminals for the infiltration of computers in a stealthy way. In fact, this is where their alias comes from: because they secretly attack their victim users without any warnings or signs of any danger. Another essential fact, which you should be aware of, is that the most common infections are the ones, caused by Trojans, and lots of people have experienced and are experiencing similar threats to the one you are facing at the present moment.

Winvmx Client Virus may be found inside:

Generally speaking, there are no concrete places that can be defined as specific distribution hubs for Trojan horse viruses. More precisely, there are lots of diverse methods that Winvmx Client Virus might implement to invade your PC. Most commonly, the contamination occurs when you come across one of the following sources: from malicious online ads; infected letters and their attachments you can receive via email; or web pages which distribute shareware; torrents or illegally spread various software/ videos/ movies. Normally, Winvmx Client Virus can efficiently use the weaknesses of any program, installed on your computer, or the ones of the OS itself. For instance, such a weak spot may be the absence of an anti-virus tool or an outdated program. Bear in mind our best and most efficient Cyber Safety Tip so far:

*It is always better to pay for the license of a top-notch anti-malware program than to pay for cleaning your system for viruses after it has already been contaminated.

What is characteristic of Winvmx Client Virus? What could this Trojan be exploited for?

Trojans may have various purposes, as we have mentioned above. However, we are unable to describe them all in this article, so we are just going to point out the most common ones. Still, be aware of the fact that they may not be the only ones and your case may not be one of the mentioned below. Any Trojan, including Winvmx Client Virus, may be exploited for:

  1. Theft: private or sensitive info, social media account or banking credentials – all of them could be the target of the hackers. Such a virus may have been programmed to copy everything that you put into your system.
  2. Personal abuse, like spying on you: such malicious programs are really capable of making you a moving target. They may enable their creators to see what you do online; where you live; where you work; what your habits and hobbies are. This is probably one of the worst usages of Trojans, as you could end up being spied on 24/7.
  3. Just destroying things: Winvmx Client Virus may serve the purpose of crashing your PC or destroying some files/data. Allegedly, this is the way some cyber criminals have fun without any additional demands and evil intentions, just practicing the possible ways to destroy something.
  4. Helping a Ransomware virus sneak into your system: You’d better be careful, as this scenario occurs quite often. Winvmx Client Virus may be exploited for finding a weakness in your programs or OS and helping Ransomware invade it. Again, this is indeed one of the worst possibilities – to get attacked my two malicious programs at the same time; one of them (Winvmx Client Virus) with quite unclear evil intentions and the other (the particular Ransomware) – with the goal to encrypt some essential data and demand ransom for it.
  5. Benefiting from your PC resources: Winvmx Client Virus may be programmed to make your computer function as a bot – for the purpose of spreading spam, for instance, or mining crypto currencies.

How to get rid of a program like Winvmx Client Virus?

We are happy to tell you that we might have come up with the solution for your problem. Just scroll down and check out our special Removal Guide.



Name Winvmx
Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Remove Winvmx Client Virus

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • You can send them to us in the comments just to be sure that they are to be removed. Nevertheless, if you don’t want to do that, we still advise you to delete them and save the changes since they are most likely coming from the undesirable program that you are dealing with.

  • Can you send them to us so that we can determine whether they must be removed or not?

    • Yes I have. Among many other things, setting in Program Files (x86) > svcvmx— there is vmxclient.exe. When trying to delete the program, it says I need administrator rights. However I am the only one that uses this computer and I am the admin.

    • I got it! I had to go into winvmx’s properties and disable it from doing anything. Then I could download bitdefender and remove it. Not really anything your guys’ tutorial showed me but thanks!

      • @disqus_4f8PpPet2D:disqus How did you disable the properties? I can’t seem to figure it out.

  • First, follow their file location (right click on the process and select “Open File Location”) and delete everything in there. Then, go back to the processes and disable them form the Task Manager.

    • Whenever I try to, it won’t let me because it says it’s being “used in an application”. Whenever I end the tasks, they go away for about a minute and then it pops back up.

      • You should be doing this in Safe Mode. Did you try booting into Safe Mode and then trying again?

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