YeaDesktop Virus

This page aims to help you uninstall YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus. These YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus uninstall instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows. [banner_guide]

If you have had YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus installed onto your computer, then you are most likely looking for a way to have it removed. Here, we will give you a detailed removal guide, where we will explain to you the different steps that you will need to complete in order to uninstall the unwanted software and fully get rid of it. However, before we move on to the removal section of the current article, we ought to provide you with a general idea about what YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus actually is and how you can stop it from getting onto your machine again. It is advisable that you first read everything that this article has to offer and then proceed with removing the unpleasant program.

Adware programs

The most common complaints that users have regarding YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus is that it floods their Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or IE browser with obstructive and irritating banners, box messages, pop-ups, shady online offers and page redirects. This kind of behavior is typical for a software category known as Adware. Programs of this type are normally used for generating money through the Pay-Per-Click scheme, which is the main reason why the various types of Internet ads that you see in your browser tend to be so intrusive and obstructive. It is all done for the sole purpose of tricking the user into interacting with the nagging adverts which effectively profits the creator of the unwanted program.

Can Adware be useful?

There are many Adware programs that are in fact promoted as being helpful and beneficial to the user. For example, some are said to improve the PC’s productivity or make one’s browsing experience better, while others are marketed as security tools that improve the protection of the computer. However, the truth is that in the majority of instances, Adware would actually worsen the aforementioned aspects instead of improving them. There are still some programs out there that are legitimately useful and only use ads as a way to support their developers while at the same time remaining free. Yet most software that falls under the Adware category is only beneficial to its creators.

Should YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus be regarded as a PC virus?

There is no doubt that if you want to have a clean and safe PC, you should probably not allow any Adware programs on it. Still, this is not to say that if you have landed YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus, you are dealing with some sort of a nasty virus similar to a Trojan horse or Ransomware. We already explained to you what the primary goal of most Adware applications is. Generally, programs of this category would not attempt to harm your system since this isn’t their purpose. However, it is still advisable to have Adware removed from your computer as soon as you spot it. The reason for that is not only the fact that those programs can be incredibly annoying, but they might also expose your machine to various software threats and make it vulnerable to hacker attacks.

One thing that you should be particularly careful with is the ads that the Adware displays on your browser screen. Though some of them might actually represent legitimate offers, others may serve as redirect links to various shady websites that might have harmful contents. If YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus is currently on your computer and is feeding your browser with obnoxious and intrusive banners, do not be tempted to click on them even if it is just to have them closed. Note that even if there is an X or Close button on an ad, clicking onto it might still count as a click on the advert itself and thus result in a page redirect to some shady website.

Making your system safer

The main reason why Adware gets installed onto so many computers every day is the fact that most users are not as cautious or as vigilant as they should be. For example, if you tend to click on every hyperlink or open every file attachment that gets sent to you via an e-mail or a Facebook/Skype message without first trying to determine whether it is spam or not, then there’s a high chance of landing Adware. Another important thing to consider is the websites that you visit. It is not all that challenging to discern which ones could be potentially harmful and which ones are trusted as long as one uses their common sense while surfing the Internet.

Lastly, you must remember to never rush through the installation menu of software that you want to install. Taking a few moments to take a look at the options in the setup wizard can save you a lot of time later. Many Adware programs get installed onto people’s computers by being bundled to some other piece of software since a lot of users make the mistake of not paying attention to the installation menu. Therefore, the next time you are about to install a new program, try to determine if there are any added installs that look potentially unwanted. In case there are, disable them from the setup wizard since this will leave them out of the installation process.



Name YeaDesktop Verification Code
Type  Adware
Detection Tool

How to Uninstall YeaDesktop Verification Code Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.


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    i cant get rid of this 🙁

    • All you have to do is delete them like you would normally delete regular text from a text file. Just, do not forget to save the changes to the Hosts file afterwards.

  • thank you so much!!!! I just installed a fresh win10 on my system and someone just had to mess it up right away lol. this helped me a lot <3

    • We are glad to her that our article and guide have helped you. Do not hesitate to turn to us should you ever face another similar problem.

  • You must delete them from the Hosts file and after that save the changes to it.

    • Did you complete the other steps from the guide? Complete everything else ignoring this for the time being. If the issue persists even after you do everything, contact us again in the comments section, informing us about what happened.

  • Does the account you are using on your PC have Administrator privileges? You need that in order to delete the IP’s and save the changes. As for the anti-malware tool – the free version provides you with a scanner for viruses which you can use in order to find potential threats on your PC. The paid version also gives you the option to allow the program to automatically delete any potential threats as well as live support for the few instances where it might not resolve all your problems. If you do not want to purchase the paid version, we advise you to fully complete the guide. If you cannot delete the IP’s then you might not have access to an Administrator account on the PC you’re using. If your account does have Administrator privileges, write to us in the comments and we will tell you what to do next.

  • The IP’s you’ve send us are from the Hosts file. You just need to delete those and then save the changes to the text file.

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    how to get rid of them pls help me?

    • You just need to delete them as normal text and save the changes to the Hosts file.

  • Remove those IP’s by deleting them and then save the changes to the Hosts file.

  • First complete the other steps from the guide and then go to the Control Panel and try again.

  • We advise you to first complete the other steps that we’ve given you in the guide and then try uninstalling the program again.

  • We are delighted to hear that you’ve been able to resolve your issue with the help of our guide! Be sure to contact us if you ever run into any similar issue.

  • In that case, open your Start Menu and copy-paste this line “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts”. Right-click on the first (and probably only) search result and select “Run as Administrator”. Now , you should be able to freely make changes to the file and save them afterwards.

    • yeah i already got through it but i forgot to delete this comment. but i have another question. i found the unins000. exe file in the registry files. can i edit the binary files in order to skip the verification code when uninsalling or do i have to delete it too.

      • Probably, you could do that. However, what changes need to be made is unclear. As far as deleting the key goes, it is advisable that you do not do that unless you are sure that you are deleting something that comes from the unwanted software. Is the problem currently solved for you or does the intrusiveness persist?

        • i still have the virus in my computer but i managed to clean up most of its components. all that’s left are pop up ads that respond to my click in the webpage i’m viewing unlike how it was when it first installed itself on my pc. it was a mess.
          i plan to figure out a way to uninstall it without downloading anything because most the time it blocks malware cleaning software from installing such as malwarebytes.

          and thus, the only option i can think of is probability that editing the binary files. but i don’t understand how it works at all. so i need help with this, i can provide screenshots so i could be walked through it.

          • That might help but we give you no guarantees. Before you do anything with the Registry, first try resetting your browser settings and clearing its cache.

        • and uh! one more thing, i have another issue, i installed logmein hamachi lately. it’s a virtual ethernet adapter. it allows you to use multiplayer games to play online via without needing servers. when i installed it, it worked for a couple of hours but then my connection was lost, it did not fully operate since. It is stuck at reconnecting and connecting, i have windows 8 as the operating system if that helps in any way

          • You can try re-installing it. Seems the best thing to do in such a case.

  • If the symptoms are no longer present, the unwanted software has probably been successfully removed.

  • If you have an antivirus tool, it might be intervening with the program’s activity.

  • No, when you press Cntrl + F, you should type the exact name of the unwanted program. In this instance it can try typing “YeaDesktop” and see if anything pops-up.

  • i cant even download anything .. what should i do ? once i download any security app .. it says that ( failed ) even my windows 10 recovery dosen’t let me remove and clean my pc !!!! whyyy !!!

      • I getting crazy about the yeadesktop fk it. I follow all the step it’s doesn’t work. And my pc getting bad the all icon gone my chrome gone….. My pc juz buy within one month how sad I

        • Can you send us a screenshot of the programs that you have installed on your PC (from the Control Panel)?

  • When you were completing the steps from the guide, did you find any sketchy IP addresses in your Hosts file or any obscure keys/folders in the Registry Editor?

    • i get too frustrated i reset my laptop to the previous recovery and it seems solve the problem tho. cause i dont know what to find in the registry editor. too many things inside TwT

      • You just need to type the name of the unwanted program in the search bar in the Registry Editor and see if anything shows up.

    • Depends on whether you download the full or the free version. The free version will scan your computer and show you the potentially unwanted files that you’d need to manually remove afterwards. The full version will remove the unwanted data for you.

  • Did you find anything in the Hosts file or in the Registry Editor that seems shady or suspicious?

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    it’s the hacker IP i guess, can you help me?

    • Yes, those IP’s are certainly not supposed to be in your Hosts file. You will need to delete them from the file and then save it so that the changes are implemented.

  • What I did was the easiest and the fastest. (OS: Windows 10)
    1. I clicked Shift + Restart
    2. Chose “Troubleshoot”
    3. Chose “Advanced Options”
    4. Chose “System Restore”
    5. Check the Restore Point if it was not too long ago
    6. Scanned the AFFECTED PROGRAMS, and there was “….”
    7. Chose to Restore
    8. Wait for a few minutes
    9. Restart
    10. Check YeaDesktop in programs, GONE LIKE A BUBBLE!

  • I did all those steps and i removed that adware. Now i have another problem: chrome refuse to install the extensions and themes (i wanted to send screenshots but it didn’t work) it shows that the download failed due to network. Also I’d like to mention that the downloads are working fine so it’s a just a problem of chrome app store (i suspect it’s because of the rename ‘backup default’) and thank you for your time 🙂

    • Try resetting your Chrome browser and deleting the cache. Re-installing the browser might work as well.

  • Yes, those IP’s should be removed from the Hosts files – be sure to delete them from the file and save the changes.

  • The free version of the anti-malware tool will only show you the potentially hazardous files but you will need to delete them manually. If you get the full version of the security application, it will delete the shady data for you.

  • Do you have Administrator rights on the account that you are currently using on the computer?

  • I can not delete the IPs in the host file and save it. When I attempted to save, it will save itself as a new .txt file instead of replacing the original one.
    When I attempted to “save as..” and clicked the original file in its original location to try replacing it, it said “access denied”.

    I also can’t open the file by inputting “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” to the start menu and right-clicking “open as administrator”. It said system can’t find the path specified (but I can open it using startkey+R)

    • Are you certain that the account you are currently using on the PC has Administrator rights? Can you try doing all this through another account?

  • There is no need to panic. Those IP’s shouldn’t be in the Hosts file so we advise you to delete them. Just do not forget to save the changes to the Hosts file.

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    • Those are all IP addresses that shouldn’t be in you Hosts file. Make sure to delete them and save the changes to the file.

  • Could you rephrase your question?The banners you see on our site are coming from the website itself and have nothing to do with anything that is on your PC. However, if you are getting intrusive banners and ads on other websites, they are in no way related to the banners you see on our pages.

  • The IP addresses that you’ve send us aren’t supposed to be in your Hosts file, thus we advise you to delete them from there and save the changes.

  • All those IP addresses that you’ve send to us should be deleted from your Hosts file since they aren’t supposed to be there.

  • these are the ones that look suspicious: wemsofts. com bongadoom. com wepcmainsystem. com internalcampaigntargets .com bongadoom. com getthefilenow. com bigpicturepop. com wizzcaster. com bestoffersfortoday. com wepcmainsystem. com agent.wizztrakys. com csdimonetize. com dl.azalee. site titiaredh. com wepcdisplaysystem. com wepcanalyticsystem. com healthydownload. com leading2download. com dwl0.wizzlabs. com dwl1.wizzlabs. com installpixel. com burningcube. ru mess1.wizzmonetize. com dl.azalee. site dl.smashdl. com downloadmyhost. com lapapahoster. com

    • Yes, those IP’s are indeed suspicious and must be deleted from your Hosts file! Be sure to remove them and then save the changes to the file.

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