The Zedge App is ‘harmful’ according to Google Play

Is Zedge harmful?

Due to a bug reported by the developers, Google Play flagged Zedge as harmful. This however will be rectified in a few days – again as claimed by the developers.

Is Zedge harmful

The answer to the question “Is Zedge harmful?” is “probably not”.

Although Zedge is a legitimate app for Android, iOS and Windows smartphones, it has recently been removed from Google Play Store. Many users are wondering about the reason for this, and some are worried that malware may have been found in the, resulting in its removal from the Play Store. Zedge also seems to have been automatically removed by Google Play Protect from the devices of users who have had it installed.

Currently, the exact reason for the removal is unclear. The twitter page of Zedge has briefly addressed this issue, stating that the app’s absence from the store is due to a bug, and that the devs are working to find a solution to the issue.

As we said, some think its possible that there is malware in the app, which raises the question “Is Zedge harmful?”. Under normal circumstances, this app represents no harm to the users’ devices – it is actually a quite poplar application liked by many people. However, the origins of the “bug” that has led to the removal of Zedge from the Play Store is unknown, so could it be something hazardous? The answer is “probably not”. If actual malware has been found in the app, the devs would have probably mentioned it in their Twitter statement.

There is also one other thing to consider here – recently, there have been changes in the way Google Play Store flags potentially harmful applications. In fact, a number of other popular apps such as Videoder, and Es Explorer have also recently been flagged by Google Play. This change in the security filters may be the reason for the removal of Zedge from the Store, although it hasn’t been confirmed by anyone.

Sadly, we cannot give you a definitive answer to the “Is Zedge harmful?” question, because it isn’t uncommon for hackers to target popular apps and insert malware into them. Still, it is more likely that it’s just an issue with the new filters on Google Play, and things will probably be back to normal pretty soon.

The Zedge App

The Zedge app is personalization software for smartphones, which allows the user to customize their device. The Zedge app offers a wide range of wallpapers, ringtones, custom app icons, and games.

The Zedge App

The Zedge App being blocked by Google Play

It is a quite popular smartphone customization app, and according to its official website it’s used by over 35 million users. Zedge has been around for a while and it certainly isn’t some obscure and little known application that gets associated with malware. Therefore, even if there is some security issue with it at the moment, it almost certainly not intended by its developers. Also, even if there is some security-related problem with the app, your device should still be safe, because Google Play Protect seems to automatically remove it from the device where it has been installed.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.


  • I don’t do any kind of social media, so I would not have known about this information on why Google warned me about zedge being harmful this morning at 1 a.m. Oct.1st
    Thank you for putting the information here. Hope they fix it soon, I already miss my ringtones.

  • What I notice my McAfee stopped working as soon as I got that warning about zedge so no virus protection on my phone.

    • Cuz I’m leaving this comment right now, I just want to all to know, yes, is it is most definitely very very dangerous! And numerous other apps on Google Play are acceptable baby used as package installing apps, split config APK was being installed through my ZEdge app, and a lot are wondering right now what is this guy talking about oh, if I were allowed to post screenshots with and my comment you would know exactly what I was talking about other words, Sage is allowing hackers to install spyware on your Android devices….. want to know what I’m talkin about about call me and I will reply with screenshots that explained to be exact process is used to do it with. So the answer, its dangerous, my suggestion is,UNINSTALL, BUT B4, ERASE THE DAMN STORED CACHE FROM THE APP.

  • Uh… ES Explorer didn’t get pulled because of some little rules change. The parent company was continually caught violating Play Store rules and was doing some really fishy things. Google banned the parent company and all those under it which resulted in all of its apps being pulled from the store. Try Solid Explorer, it’s quite a bit better and doesn’t have all the ads and fishy “features” that ES forced upon you. FX Explorer comes in second.

    • Buddy, like I said in my post which is still being reviewed, contact me via email, and I will show you screenshots of how is very dangerous app allows split config APK dangerous spyware packages to be installed in your cellular device, along with a lot of other apps that you would never think that are dangerous, but most are Google based

  • Zedge twice tried to open as my browser after I downloaded three different items. That doesn’t feel safe to me yet as of today it’s still up on Google Play.

  • I liked zedge but once it was uninstalled from my droid it wiped out everything. Phone no longer recognized wifi and caused other issues to the point I had to purchase a new phone.

  • I’ve been trying to download wallpaper from Zedge the last couple of days and I always receive the message, “Content not available right now. Please try again later.” Is anyone else having this problem?

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