Zoohair Virus

A particularly annoying and frustrating issue that one might have with their PC is having their IE, Firefox, Chrome or whatever other browser that they are using invaded and modified by some sketchy piece of software. Browser changes include but are not limited to the replacement of the homepage, implementation of a new search engine/ toolbar, frequent page redirects to other websites, etc. Programs that are known to cause that are referred to as Browser Hijackers and if you are reading this, you’re probably currently dealing with one such Hijacker known as Zoohair “Virus”. Fortunately for you, here you can find all the information that you might need in order to deal with the pesky application and make sure that it does not return. Just read the next few paragraphs and by the end of the article you should no longer have any problem this type of unwanted programs.

What are Browser Hijackers?

A Browser Hijacker is a type of program that is considered unwanted even though it is not actually malicious. Many people tend to refer to Hijackers as viruses and malware but this is not an accurate way to describe them. First of all, a program the likes of Zoohair “Virus” is usually not capable of causing any harm to your PC nor is it made with that purpose. The idea behind most Hijackers is that they’d be used to generate income by employing different online marketing techniques. The issue with that is the methods used by most Hijacker are aggressive, frustrating and heavily obstructive to the users themselves. In addition to that, most Hijackers usually have little to no practical use for the owner of the PC they have been installed on. That is the reason why almost all people that have landed such a program are trying to have it removed ASAP. If you, too, have had Zoohair “Virus” installed onto your machine and want to have it uninstalled, you can use our removal manual that will guide you through the different steps that you’d need to complete so as to fully remove the irritating software. You can find the guide at the bottom of the article.

Can a Hijacker be harmful?

As was already made clear, Browser Hijackers are not some sort of noxious viruses the likes of Ransomware and Trojans. However, though their are not inherently malicious, they could still represent a potential threat to your PC as well as have a number of negative effects to it. A few examples:

  • If your machine gets invaded by a Hijacker, then you must know that the unwanted program is most likely gathering personal data from your browser’s history. The extracted info has high marketing value and is usually sold to third parties or is directly employed by the creators of the Hijacker for the purposes of online advertising.
  • Another thing that Hijackers are known for is that they oftentimes make unauthorized modificationя to the Registry of the PC they have been installed on. Such modifications to your machine’s Registry might expose your system and make it vulnerable to attacks from viruses like the ones we mentioned at the start of this paragraph (Ransomware, Trojan horses, etc.).
  • A particularly annoying trait of many Hijacker programs is that they tend to consume high amounts of system resources which usually causes the PC to get slowed-down. Additionally, the computer might also start to experience sudden crashes if the Hijacker is not well-programmed (which is oftentimes the case).

How can you avoid Zoohair “Virus”?

There are a lot of things that you can do so as to make your machine safer and less likely to be invaded by some irritating and unpleasant software such as Zoohair “Virus”. Here, we have listed only the most essential precautions that one needs to take in order to improve the security levels of their machine.

  • Never open an e-mail or click on a link/file attachment that has been sent to you if you think that it looks suspicious and might be some form of spam (because it probably is). Such spam messages/e-mails are commonly used for spreading Hijackers and other forms of unwanted and potentially dangerous software.
  • Be very considerate when it comes to what sites you visit when surfing the internet. Generally, you should avoid web addresses that have a lot of ads throughout their pages and cause your browser to get redirected to other sites.
  • A good anti-malware program can greatly improve your computer’s protection and serve as an additional obstacle for shady programs such as Zoohair “Virus”.
  • If you want to get a new program, first make sure that you know precisely what’s going to get installed onto your system. If there are any bundled applications within the setup wizard, be sure to look them up so as determine if they aren’t potentially unwanted. If anything added looks suspicious and seems like it could be a Hijacker or some other type of unwanted program, untick in order to leave it out and ensure that it does not get installed onto your PC.


Name Zoohair
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Zoohair Virus Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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