Cisco Anyconnect will damage your computer

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Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer

“Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer”   is an online advertising program for Mac specialized in the promotion of various sites and their products and services. Once inside the system, “Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer” will overwhelm your Mac’s main browser with advertisements of all kinds and will start to redirect your search queries to the websites it supports.

Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer
The “Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer” could be a virus and should be investigated

If Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer has recently been integrated into your Safari, Chrome or other web browser and currently has started to fill it in with many types of advertising content, then you must know that having this software removed is your best solution to the unstoppable pop-up ads and the browser changes that have been disturbing your web browsing. The successful uninstallation of a browser hijacker like this one, however, may not be an easy task. Therefore, to prevent possible system issues or the accidental removal of important Mac OS files, we have prepared a detailed removal guide with screenshots and instructions on how to locate and safely remove Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer . We suggest that you carefully follow the steps show there to uninstall the new search engine and the unfamiliar home page that this browser hijacker has probably imposed upon its arrival.

Cisco AnyConnect secure mobility client will damage your computer

“Cisco AnyConnect secure mobility will damage your computer”  is an app that can automatically change the settings of your Mac browser without your permission. “Cisco AnyConnect secure mobility will damage your computer” is not a virus but once it has placed its changes, you can’t remove them unless you uninstall the hijacker from your Mac computer.

Of course, for most users, and especially those who do not know how to cope with this situation, it would be particularly frustrating to deal with a browser hijacker. Some people may even consider programs like to be viruses and compare them to well-known threats like Trojans and Ransomware. From a security point of view, however, “Cisco AnyConnect secure mobility will damage your computer” isn’t really a threat to your Mac machine and definitely cannot drain your bank accounts like a Trojan or encrypt your files like a Ransomware virus would. Still, there is no doubt that this is an app that can take over your browser and change its settings without consulting you first. And this can be a solid reason to uninstall it.

Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer on Mac

“Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer” on Mac is a browser hijacker application, intended to be installed in Mac web browsers in order to reroute their traffic to specific sites. “Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer”  on Mac won’t harm your computer’s system but if not removed this program will most likely cause unwanted page redirects and intrusive browsing interruptions.

The goal of this entire activity is to promote specific products or services and to make users click on some links that bring pay-per-click revenue to the owners of the browser hijacker. Unfortunately, such software can hardly compensate with any user benefits for the intrusion it creates. Some programs in this group may provide some free features to attract more users, but in the end, there is little or no reason to keep a program like “Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer” or Service Records  installed on your device.

The Cisco will damage your computer

The “Cisco will damage your computer” is a page-rerouting program that can generate and display obscure ads on the screen of your main Mac browser. The “Cisco will damage your computer”  can also redirect you to websites with questionable content and keep track of your web browsing patterns.

Though not malicious, “Cisco will damage your computer” is still potentially unwanted software and our best advice is to eliminate it in order to make your Mac less vulnerable to viruses, Trojans, Ransomware and other security hazards that may hide in random ads and shady web locations.


Name Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer
Type Adware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Uninstall Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer from Mac

The following instructions will allow you uninstall “Cisco AnyConnect will damage your computer” in two ways:

  • The manual instructions will allow you to remove it on your own by downloading 2 software suites which will show you the folders the threat is located in. Installing, scanning, and deleting everything will require 1-2 hours of your time, depending on your speed and the threat itself.
    Note: If Cisco AnyConnect has an in-built ability to restore itself on a restart, the manual steps will not prevent that. We recommend the automatic removal.
  •  Download SpyHunter for Mac (one of the apps used in the manual instructions), scan with it, and if you decide to use the program, it will likely require about 15-20 minutes. This, however, requires an active subscription for SpyHunter, which means either to use the trial version or purchase the software.

Removal instructions:
1. Download EtreCheck from the Appstore and scan for any Cisco AnyConnect unsigned files. Delete them. (You can skip this step altogether and download and scan with Spyhunter instead if you don’t want to double-check things).
2. Download and install Spyhunter for Mac. Scan for any malicious files.
3. The app will show you which files are infected. Either use SpyHunter to delete them for you (the automatic removal) or do it manually, which means tracking down each detected location by yourself and deleting the file.
4. In most cases start with /private/var/root/Library/Application Support/.Cisco AnyConnect/Cisco AnyConnect
5. In Finder press Shift+Command+G to open the Find window.
6. Search for the /var directory. Then proceed and look for the /root folder inside.
7. It will most likely be locked and you will need additional permissions to meddle with it.
8. Press command+I and scroll to sharing and permissions. Add your user name to permissions.
9. Now you should be able to access the /root folder and proceed and locate the /Library folder inside it. Proceed to do the same until you are inside the /Application Support folder.
10. It is possible that the folder you look for is hidden, if that is the case use command+shift+. to locate and find the file you want to delete.
11. Delete the Cisco AnyConnect file.
12. If none of this helps, try the steps in this guide

2 responses to “Cisco Anyconnect will damage your computer”
  1. Dan Avatar

    Tried every step outlined and didn’t work.

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Dan,
      did you try try this guide How to Remove ads from Mac

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