Mac is an intrusive ad-generating program that experts classify as a browser hijacker. can take control of your Safari, Chrome, Firefox or other popular browser and cause it to behave in certain ways. For instance, you may notice that your browser can redirect you spontaneously to different websites that have seemingly no relevance to you. on Mac

This may happen as you’re browsing the web in the same tab, or new tabs or browser windows may be opened, disrupting your regular day-to-day activities.

Furthermore, browser hijackers like have been known to typically also change your preferred browser homepage to a different one. And as if that weren’t enough, as a rule they also tend to introduce a new search engine and set it as the default one. Users will normally try to change those settings back, but to no avail. And, in truth, the only way you will be able to accomplish this is by removing from your computer along with all of its components. And for that there’s an effective removal guide that you can use on this page which we offer for free.

Other very obvious symptoms of an infection with a browser hijacker are, of course, the many ads that start to flood your screen. You have no doubt already managed to lose your temper once or twice (at least) at the numerous popups that show up right under your cursor as you’re about to click on something else, or the annoying colorful banners that line pretty much any page you visit. They come in other shapes and sizes, as well, such as in-text links and box messages, but you get the idea. These, too, will disappear as soon as you have the invasive software uninstalled from your PC. on Mac

You may not know this, but hijackers like typically monitor your browsing patterns and store the recorded data for ad-optimization purposes. This information may also be sold to third parties, and that alone is a pretty big red flag already.

Furthermore, software like, although not generally harmful in itself, can potentially expose your computer to various external threats and viruses. For example, you could be redirected to a website that’s been compromised by hackers and could be a hub for ransomware viruses, Trojans, spyware and other nasty pieces of malicious software. This is why we strongly recommend that you abstain from clicking around on dubious web content and try to avoid all the sketchy ads in your browser to the best of your ability.

Also, since this is probably how you landed in the first place, we recommend sticking to reliable download sources from now on. It highly likely that you downloaded some piece of freeware or shareware and this browser hijacker was attached to its installer. So, with that in mind, always be sure to check the advanced or custom installation settings of any new software that you’re about to incorporate into your system.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove from Mac

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone.

About the author

Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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