Mictiotom Mac


If your machine has been infected by Mictiotom, then you have been contaminated by a browser hijacker variant. Mictiotom only targets and directly affects the browser of your Mac computer.

Mictiotom 1024x576
The Mictiotom Mac virus will display pop up ads and notifications

Hence, Mictiotom is compatible with most popular web browsing programs, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox and others. Once it becomes part of the browser, it will begin to impose certain changes to the configurations and settings. For example, Mictiotom may change your default search engine and it may also replace your old homepage URL with a new one. Furthermore, browser hijackers commonly insert new toolbars and other browser elements in the infected browsing program, so you may be seeing some of that as well.

But more importantly, software of this type tends to cause page redirects to sponsored websites during your web surfing sessions. And on top of that, most users tend to complain about the drastic increase in popups, banners and other types of ads that start flooding their browsers. So if you’ve already had enough of this activity and you’re ready to restore your browser to its original state, you’ve come to the right place.

Just below this post you can find a detailed removal guide that will walk you through the steps necessary to thoroughly eliminate Mictiotom from your machine. Be sure to follow them exactly as described, as leaving any residual components in the system will result in the hijacker reinstalling itself there.

Mictiotom for Mac

Mictiotom for Mac takes on the role of an online advertising tool that delivers personalized ads to users via their browsers. Thus, Mictiotom for Mac can be highly annoying, but it is not dangerous.

Usually software of this kind (Onlinehome.us, Videostream will damage your computer) revolves around popular online business models such as Pay Per Click. And this, in turn, means that its sole purpose is to generate revenue for its creators through clicks on the sponsored links and ads that it displays. This is why the banners and popups are usually positioned in such ways that you can hardly avoid them. And that it also why hijackers tend to collect browsing data from infected computers – in order to optimize said ads.

What is Mictiotom?

It is a common misconception that Mictiotom is some type of virus or malware. However, Mictiotom does not possess malicious qualities and it will not damage your machine or steal sensitive data.

The only accurate association that browser hijackers have with malware has to do with the large quantities of content that they expose users to. Since the developers don’t exactly go about checking the safety of each and every website they promote, there’s a possibility you might land on some web location that could be harboring viruses such as Trojans and ransomware, for example. So that’s just an additional good reason to have Mictiotom uninstalled as quickly as possible.

The Mictiotom app

The Mictiotom app was most probably included in the setup of some other application that you downloaded and installed not long ago. This technique is known as file bundling and developers heavily rely on it for the distribution of software like the Mictiotom app.


Danger LevelMedium (nowhere near threats like Ransomware, but still a security risk)
Detection Tool

Remove Mictiotom Mac Virus

An easy method that may assist you in removing Mictiotom from your Mac browser is to discover and delete any browser hijacker-related extensions from Safari’s extensions list:

1. Open Safari and select the Safari Menu.

2. Navigate to Preferences.

3. Next, click the Extensions button in Preferences.

4. Scan the list of installed extensions for entries that may be associated with Mictiotom and may be causing your browser to behave strangely.

5. If you discover anything on your Mac that you feel is a cause of the problem, remove it by clicking on the trash bin icon. In general, browser extensions are not required for Safari or your system to function normally; hence, you will not make a mistake if you choose to uninstall all extensions installed in the browser, particularly those you are not using.

After completing the instructions above, restart your browser. If nothing changes, please go to the more extensive instructions on how to entirely remove Mictiotom.


Safari must be closed for the next instructions to be completed effectively; thus, if it is running, you must first Quit it.

If the browser has become sluggish or Mictiotom is keeping it from quitting normally, use Safari’s Apple menu’s Force Quit option.

Alternatively, press (the Command key next to the space bar), Option (the key right next to it) and Escape (upper left corner of your keyboard) together and select Safari from the Force Quit Applications window. Then, press the Force Quit button.



Once Safari has been closed, navigate to Finder>>>>Applications>>>>Utilities and launch Activity Monitor.

Check each process mentioned there carefully and try to determine which one is associated with Mictiotom and is generating the hijacking disruption.

Once you’ve identified a process that appears to be related to the issue, highlight it with your cursor and click the Information icon (i) at the top of the Activity Monitor window. An information box for the selected procedure should appear on the screen:


Simply scroll to the bottom and click the Sample button. This instantly generates a Sample file for the specified process, which you should save to your Desktop.


Following that, upload the sample file to the online virus scanner provided below to do a fast scan for malicious code. If any danger is found, go back to the Activity Monitor and stop the related process by selecting it and clicking the X button at the top.

You may need to repeat the scan for any suspicious processes until you are certain there are no processes associated with the browser hijacker you want to end in the Activity Monitor.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    After you’ve completed Step 2, it’s time to start Safari. However, you must employ a method here to prevent Mictiotom from loading its sponsored sites and advertisements automatically when the browser begins. And the trick is to hold down the Shift key on your keyboard when launching Safari.

    In some cases, intrusive scripts may nevertheless open some undesired pages in the browser even though you might be holding Shift when launching the browser. If this is the case, Force Quit Safari (Apple menu>>>Force Quit) and then disconnect your Mac from the Internet for a short period of time.

    • To disable a Wi-Fi connection, select Wi-Fi off from your Mac’s Menu.

    • To disconnect the Ethernet cable from a cable internet (Ethernet connection), unhook it manually.

    Then, when you are no longer connected to the Internet, restart Safari by pressing and holding the Shift key again.


    Remove Mictiotom from Safari

    After successfully Shift-launching Safari, navigate to the Safari menu and click on the Preferences option:

    Preferences in Safari

    Following that, in the Preferences box, click the Extensions tab:

    extensions in safari

    It is critical to uninstall any extensions that you suspect are interfering with your browser’s functionality at this point.


    Due to the possibility that Mictiotom might have hijacked not just Safari, but also other browsers on your Mac, it is critical that the following instructions are followed not only for Safari, but for all browsers you are using.

    If you are still on the Safari Preferences screen, click the Privacy tab and select the option to Remove All Website Data:

    Privacy in Safari

    This option will remove any data (cookies, cache) associated with websites that Mictiotom has loaded automatically in your browser. Additionally, the option will remove your sign-in credentials for any websites to which you have logged in, so ensure that you know your login credentials before confirming the action with Remove Now.

    Following that, under Preferences, select the first tab, General, and check to see if your Homepage address has been changed.

    General Tab in Safari

    If the URL displayed in the homepage field is not what you want, you may alter it by typing a more trustworthy address in its place.Default Home Page

    Another location that has to be cleaned of data associated with sites loaded by the browser hijacker is your browser’s History section. If you are in Safari, navigate to the History menu and choose Clear History. If you are unsure of the precise time Mictiotom began interfering with your browsing, it is recommended that you delete All history recordings.

     How to Remove Mictiotom From Firefox in OSX:

    To avoid confusion, please click on the main menu icon (top right), then select Add-ons in Mozilla Firefox. On the left, you should see the Extensions tab. Select it and uninstall any extensions you haven’t installed or don’t want to keep, exactly like you did in Safari.

    pic 6

    Refresh Your Firefox Settings after removing the troublesome extensions.

    How to Remove Mictiotom From Chrome in OSX:

     Start Chrome, click chrome menu icon  and go to More Tools. Again, look to the left for the Extensions tab. Once it’s open, search for any extensions you don’t want to keep or believe are associated with the browser hijacker. Click the Trash bin icon to remove them.

    pic 8

     Click chrome menu icon again, then navigate to Settings and choose the Search tab. Click Manage Search Engines and ensure that you Delete any search engines that you do not use regularly. Finally Reset Your Chrome Settings.

    If the techniques in this article are insufficient to entirely remove Mictiotom, you may still deal with the persistent browser hijacker by downloading the recommended professional removal application or using our free online virus scanner. Additionally, we encourage any questions or concerns you may have in the comments section!

    About the author


    Violet George

    Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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