
This page aims to help you remove the Virus. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows. is a program from the browser hijacker class that is famous for its unauthorized web browser changes. can replace the existing search engine, change the new tab URL and modify the default homepage without asking for approval.

The will make unwanted changes on your browser.

A typical example of a potentially unwanted program is the Segurazo Antivirus.

If you enjoy surfing the World Wide Web, but your browsing has recently become unpleasant due to some unwelcome and invasive advertising, you may have become a target of a browser hijacker called This software typically shows different advertisements (pop-ups, banners, redirect links and colorful messages) all over your screen the very moment you open your browser. It also typically places some modifications in the browser’s settings which may involve a change in the homepage or a search engine replacement. may take over almost any browser, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge and others and make them redirect you to specific sponsored websites.

Since you are reading this article, you’ve probably been highly irritated by these unwelcome changes and ads and are now eagerly looking at how to remove them. You’ve probably also been concerned about the safety of your computer and must be thinking that you have been compromised by some virus, a Trojan or even a Ransomware infection but the good news is that here we have a solution that can save you from all the disturbance.

Our “How to remove” professionals have provided a removal guide with all the necessary steps to uninstall from your system. You will find the instructions you need just below, but let’s first tell you a few things about the browser hijackers and their specifics.

The Virus

Browser hijackers such as are pieces of software that frequently irritate web users with different advertisements, automatic page-redirects to sponsored sites and some unauthorized web browser changes. The Virus generally serves the needs of the online advertising industry and produce some revenue for their creators through the so-called Pay-Per-Click system.

You are more likely to land your computer with such ads-displaying applications if you download and install some free software from the Internet.  This is the reason why many web users may mistake them for viruses since they are often bundled inside the installation package of some other program.

It is important to point out, though, that unlike viruses, ad-generating programs such as are NOT designed to damage the system or launch some illegal activity. Just for comparison, the real viruses (from the rank or Ransomware and Trojans) can steal your system information, encrypt your data and blackmail you to pay a ransom or provide unauthorized access to your machine.

Browser hijackers, on the other hand, typically do NOT cause serious technical harm and are only a source of browsing-associated irritation. The worst thing a program like could do is the following:

  • Displaying pay-per-click ads on your screen;
  • Redirecting you to sponsored websites, promotional links and offers;
  • Replacing the browser’s homepage or the main search engine with sponsored ones;
  • Keeping track of your online browsing activity and trying to match your latest searches with its most-relevant ads;
  • Consuming system resources and Internet bandwidth to display ads.

Most of these activities are linked to the attempts of to display more relevant ads that are more likely to get your clicks. Some users, however, may consider these activities as a source of browsing disturbance and irritation, and if you’re on the same opinion, you can use the instructions below or the attached removal tool to uninstall the browser hijacker from your system.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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