Tag - removal

Mac Virus

Search It Now Mac

  Search It Now A very annoying piece of software named Search It Now “Virus” has recently been reported to our “How to remove” team. This piece of software is classified as a browser hijacker by most security specialists and if you...

Browser Hijacker

Olpair.com Virus

Olpair.com This page aims to help you remove Olpair.com Virus. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows and Android. An application such as Olpair.com, however, could really make...

Browser Hijacker

Browser Hijacker Virus

Browser Hijacker Virus There are many different types of unwanted and problematic software programs that can cause various problems to the users’ computers and to their online privacy. However, not all undesirable programs out there are malicious...


Tiggre Trojan

Tiggre Trojan On this page, you can find information about a Trojan horse named Tiggre. This infection has been detected just recently, and our “How to remove” team has decided to reveal its most important characteristics in an attempt to help...

Browser Hijacker

Check-now.online Virus

This page aims to help you remove the Check-now.online Virus. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows. Check Now Online Check-now.online is one of the latest pesky page-redirecting...

Mac Virus

Anysearch Malware

  Anysearch on Mac The Anysearch Malware will redirect your searches Moreover, if you have tried to change the homepage and/or search engine back to the original one(s), the new ones were reinstated as soon as you opened your browser again...

Browser Hijacker

Handy Tab Virus

Handy Tab Just like the majority of programs in this category, Handy Tab integrates with your Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera or other favorite browser and changes its homepage and often also sets a different default search engine. Furthermore, Handy...


Win32 Sality Remover

Sality In the event that you have discovered a program titled Sality on your computer, you should know that you’re dealing with one of the most dangerous malware types out there. This is really nothing to joke about, so you’ve done the right thing...


QakBot Malware

QakBot If QakBot malware, or some other similar Trojan Horse virus manages to infiltrate your PC’s system, it could execute all kinds of illegal and shady tasks as well as cause all sorts of damage, some of which damage might be irreparable. In the...


Emotet Malware

One of the most devastating kinds of malware is the infamous Trojan horse type. Having such a virus on your PC can be a real pain in the neck, since it can cause all sorts of issues. Trojans are known as being extremely versatile and hackers can use...