Trojan Cryxos


A new Trojan horse virus called Cryxos has recently been reported to be attacking users and invading their computers. Hackers can program Trojans like Cryxos to accomplish pretty much anything they want. In addition to that, these viruses are also the masters of stealth, they can remain hidden in your computer over long periods of time and not reveal their presence with even the slightest symptoms.


Multiple antivirus scanners detect Trojan Cryxos.

Our team has also received complaints from some of our readers regarding this terrible threat and people want to know how to effectively deal with it.One of these frauds is Microsoft technical support scam. It is designed to trick users into believing that fraudsters need to be connected (usually called) and use their services and / or software as soon as possible. The purpose of this type of fraud is to generate revenue by deceiving consumers to pay money for allegedly legitimate services and / or software.

For this reason we have created a detailed removal guide, with the help of which you should be able to locate and delete Trojan Cryxos from your computer. Keep in mind, however, that malware of this type likes to hide deep inside your system, so removing it will require a bit more knowledge on your part, so as not to delete the wrong files. In the event that you don’t quite feel comfortable with this task, you can also rely on our professional removal tool to take care of the whole process automatically. It will scan your system and get rid of the virus in a matter of juts a few minutes. Whatever option you decide to go for, we recommend you first read through the following information about Trojan Cryxos and Trojans in general, so you are better prepared to fend off potential future infections.

The Cryxos Trojan

Trojans such as Cryxos can be set to log your keystrokes and thus gain access to anything you use your keyboard to type. They can share your screen with the hackers, redirect your traffic to their servers and even hack into your webcam and microphone.

Trojan Cryxos

Trojan Cryxos display messages that are disguised as legitimate notifications from Microsoft.

If there’s one type of malware that anyone, of any age or experience in computing knows, it’s Trojan horse viruses. And the reason for that is because these are the most notorious and widespread pieces of malware out there. Three out of every four malware infections are actually caused by Trojans. And, in turn, the reason why exactly this type of malware is so popular is because it’s uniquely diverse in its possible usages.


The Trojan.cryxos.3833 virus can easily be executing its malicious agenda and there will be almost nothing to suggest there might be something amiss. However, in rare cases viruses of this type can cause frequent system crashes, like BSOD for example. In addition to that, some users have reported noticing that their cursor has been moving without them even touching the mouse. Now, while all of these can very well be symptoms of something else entirely, it’s still good to keep in mind.

As for the different types of damage that you can expect Trojan Cryxos to cause, the possibilities range from destruction and theft to spying, resource exploitation and beyond. They can even turn your computer into a bot and get it work for the cybercriminals behind the virus. So, while you’re using your PC to browse the web or watch movies, it can be simultaneously be mining cryptocurrencies, sending out spam or even infecting other computers with malware. Not to mention what the consequences for you can be. Your identity can be stolen and used to commit illegal actions on your behalf; your bank accounts can be drained; all of your personal and/or professional correspondence may fall into the hands of the hackers – and the list goes on.

With the above in mind, there’s no reason why you would possibly want to delay the removal of Trojan Cryxos even any further. But before you head over to the instructions, we would like to offer you some advice on avoiding infections like this in the future. First of all, Trojans typically exploit system weaknesses to enter, such as an outdated OS or the lack of an antivirus program. Be sure to regularly install updates when they are available, and install a reliable antivirus on your computer to keep it protected. In addition, start practicing safer browsing habits. Avoid obvious malware sources, such as infected, shady websites, illegal file-sharing platforms, spam emails and online ads. Most malware infections could have easily been prevented if these simple measures were taken by users and we hope that with their help you will never have to face another Trojan Cryxos again.


Name Cryxos
Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Remove Trojan Cryxos 

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone.

About the author


Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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