Wave Browser Uninstall

What is Wave Browser?

Wave Browser is a potentially unwanted browser program known for its aggressive ads and murky data-collection practices. While it operates like a typical Chromium-based browser, it has exhibited behaviors like unexpected page redirects and intrusive advertisements. More concerning is its tendency to collect user data without transparently conveying its purposes. Officially produced by WaveSor Software, research indicates its true association lies with Polarity Technologies Ltd., linked controversially to the Chinese company, Genimous Technology, known for distributing adware and browser hijackers under the guise of legitimate software. Although Wave Browser isn’t a direct threat, its presence may render computers vulnerable to genuine malware, underscoring the importance of cautious use and timely removal.

Wave Browser 1 1024x686
Wave Browser website

How to stop Wave Browser from opening on startup?

To stop Wave Browser from opening on startup, you can try opening the Task Manager, going to the Startup tab, and disabling it from there, but it’s possible that the unwanted app will eventually re-enable itself to annoy you again. For this reason, the best way to stop Wave Browser from opening on startup is to fully uninstall the program alongside any other apps and browser extensions that may be linked to it. We’ve shown a detailed guide on how to do that on this page.

How to delete Wave Browser?

To delete Wave Browser, in addition to performing its uninstallation, you’ll also need to search your system for any leftover files and system settings changes that need to be deleted/revoked. You can do that manually, by following our guide, or automatically, with the help of a trusted anti-malware tool like the one we’ve included in this post.

Is Wave Browser a virus?

Wave Browser isn’t a virus but is still deemed undesirable due to its intrusive behavior. Also, even if it’s not designed to harm your system, it may make it more likely for actual malware threats like Trojans and Ransomware to attack you by making your system less safe.

How to remove Wave Browser from Chrome?

To remove Wave Browser from Chrome, you should first make sure that anything related to this unwanted software that’s on your PC is deleted. After that, clean Chrome from any unwanted or questionable extensions, clear its data and restore its normal settings in case any changes have been made to them by the Wave Browser.

WaveBrowser removal

The WaveBrowser removal often requires more than simply running the app’s uninstaller or clicking “Uninstall” on the app’s entry in the Windows “Apps & Features” settings page. This is because potentially unwanted apps like it are known to leave behind residual files and changes to important system settings that aren’t removed by the uninstaller. For this reason, we recommend carefully completing the steps shown in our comprehensive removal guide and, if there still seem to be remnants from the unwanted app after that (or if you simply want to add an extra precautionary measure), we also recommend using the advanced anti-malware tool available on this page. This combination of the manual and advanced methods will give you the best chances for a successful WaveBrowser removal.

Remove Wave Browser Windows 10

To remove Wave Browser from Windows 10, you should still first try to uninstall the app from the Apps & Features section in your Windows settings. However, after you complete this first step, you’ll also need to check your Task Manager for any processes related to the unwanted app that may still be running and then delete their files and quit them. Also, to fully remove Wave Browser from Windows 10, you also need to visit system settings such as Services, the Task Scheduler, and the Registry and clean them from anything linked to the unwanted software. Finally, we also recommend checking your other browsers in case any rogue extensions have been added to them without your knowledge or approval. Each of these steps is explained in the guide below.

Is Wave Browser safe?

Wave Browser is fundamentally safe as a Chromium-based browser. However, its classification as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) stems from its intrusive advertising and nebulous data-collection procedures. Further investigation shows its development ties to WaveSor Software, linked to Polarity Technologies Ltd., which has a controversial association with the Chinese entity, Genimous Technology. This latter company is known for producing adware and browser hijackers under the guise of genuine software. Users have reported unexpected page redirects and the collection of online activity data without transparent disclosure from the Wave Browser. While it isn’t malicious per se, its questionable practices have made users wary, prompting them to opt for more established and transparent browser alternatives.


NameWave Browser
Detection Tool

How to uninstall Wave Browser

To uninstall Wave Browser from your computer, you must either use a specialized removal program or perform the following manual steps:

  1. Run the uninstallation executable of the app or uninstall it from Control Panel > Programs and Features.
  2. Ensure that there are no Wave Browser processes or other rogue processes running in the Task Manager.
  3. Override any changes that the Wave Browser may have made in the System Registry, Tasks Scheduler, Hosts File, Services, or Startup Items list.
  4. Search for and delete any Wave Browser files that may still be on your computer to completely uninstall Wave Browser.

Both using a removal tool or performing those steps should allow you to fully delete the unwanted app from your PC. For best results, however, we recommend combining the two methods. Down below, you can find a more detailed explanation of the manual removal process, as well as a linked professional removal tool that can assist you with the deletion of the potentially unwanted program.

Detailed how to uninstall Wave Browser instructions

Before you begin with the deletion process, our advice is to temporarily disconnect from the Internet the computer that you are trying to clean. Though unlikely, it is possible that, if it stays connected to the web, the Wave Browser might reach out to its servers and download again any of its data that you manage to delete.

To have live access to the current page while your PC is not connected to the web, we suggest opening it on your phone or another device with Internet access.

Step 1

Select the Start Menu, click in its search box and type appwiz.cpl.

1 1

Then press Enter and you will be taken to a widow with a list of all the programs that are on your computer. Search for the Wave Browser among those programs, and if you see it there, right-click its name, select the Uninstall option that appears, and perform whatever uninstallation steps pop up on your screen. Be careful while going through the uninstallation – do not allow anything related to the Wave Browser to remain on your computer, including temporary data or personalized settings.

Also, be sure to look through the list of programs for other suspicious recently-installed items, especially ones you do not recognize. If you find such programs there, uninstall them as well.

If for some reason you weren’t able to complete the uninstallation of the Wave Browser or of any other questionable program, perform the other steps from this guide and once you complete them all, try again the uninstallation process.

If you didn’t see an entry for the Wave Browser in the list of programs, try going to the browser’s folder, which should be located in the Admin User’s folder in your C: drive, and running the uninstallation executable, if there’s one in that folder.

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Step 2


Start the Task Manager – use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc combination from your keyboard to do that – and then select the tab labeled Processes. If there you see a process named Wave Browser, WaveSor, Genimous, Polarity, or anything similar to those names, right-click it, and select Open File Location. After that, switch back to the Task Manager, right-click the rogue process again, select End Process, and confirm the action. Next, delete the process folder that you just opened.

Regardless of whether you saw and ended any process(es) named Wave Browser/WaveSor, you also need to look for other suspicious processes with unusual or unfamiliar names and excessive use of hardware resources – Memory and CPU. If you notice any process/processes you think are rogue and unwanted, search in Google for their names to see if any security experts have warned about them. You can also ask us in the comments, and we will tell you if a given process in your Task Manager might be rogue.

Additionally, we recommend going to the Location Folder of the process and scanning its files with the powerful free online scanner we’ve provided for our readers below:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.
    3 1

    Naturally, any process that is confirmed to be rogue and/or has malware files in its folder needs to be ended, after which its folder should be deleted.

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    Step 3

    You must now put your computer in Safe Mode – the idea is to prevent the Wave Browser from starting again its processes, because, when Safe Mode is enabled, Windows allows only essential system processes to start automatically.

    Step 4

    For this step, you must thoroughly check and clean different system settings. The easiest way to do this is to use the Start Menu search bar to find and open those settings. Type the items we’ve shown below in the Start Menu search, press Enter to open them, and then proceed with completing the specific instructions we’ve shown for each item.

    Msconfig – Select the Startup tab in the System Configuration window to see the list of startup items enabled on your PC. if you are using Windows 10, also click the Open Task Manager button to open the list. Next, search for Wave Browser/WaveSor entries and if you see any, disable them. Additionally, if you see any items named Genimous or Polarity, disable them as well. You should also uncheck any other suspicious or unknown entries shown on the list. Once everything that may be linked to the unwanted program is disabled, click OK.

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    Services.msc – Search in the list of services for anything that may be related to the Wave Browser and if you see such a service, right-click it, go to its Properties, and set its Startup type to Disabled, after which click OK to save the change.

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    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts – Look for strange IPs listed at the end of the text in the file that opens and if you find any, put them in the comments below and wait for our reply, in which we will tell you if you’d need to delete those IPs from the file.

    8 1

    Task Scheduler – In the window that opens, click the Task Scheduler Library folder that should be in the top-left, then look at what tasks are shown in the center of the window, and if any of them seem linked to the Wave Browser, right-click their names, select Delete, and confirm the action.

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    Regedit.exe – Before Registry Editor (regedit.exe) app opens, your Admin permission will be required, so click Yes to continue. When the Editor appears on your screen, press Ctrl and F at the same time and a search bar will appear. Type WaveBrowser in the search bar and click Find Next. If an item related to the Wave Browser is found, delete it, then search again, delete the next thing, and keep going until the search is no longer finding any related results.

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    Next, in the same way, search separately for “WaveSor”, “Genimous”, and “Polarity”, and delete any items that may be found for those search words.

    Finally, in the left panel of the Registry, manually find these next three locations and search them for unusually-named items that seem to have randomly-generated names like, for instance “2q9dj90jd90t930ui092tj0jf409j2309r”. In case you come across one or more such items, rather than directly deleting them, first tell us about them in the comments, and we will soon inform you if the item/s must indeed be removed from your Registry.

    Step 5

    Lastly, use the search bar of the Start Menu to look for “Folder Options” and open the first item that appears. Then click the View section, check the Show hidden files, folders, and drives setting if it’s currently not selected, and click OK.

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    Next, go to your C: drive and open the folder of the Admin User that you are currently logged in as. In there, search for a folder named WaveBrowser, WaveSor, Genimous, or Polarity and if you find such a folder, open it and delete everything there.

    After that, check the following list of files, search for them in your system, and delete them if any of them are still in the computer (do not be intimidated by the large number of files – they are spread across only a handful of locations, so it should be easy to find and delete them quickly).

    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore\T8DRMTJ1\download.wavebrowser[1].xml
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\High\Active\RecoveryStore.{1B7A10AB-9685-11EB-90E6-ECF4BB82F7E0}.dat
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\High\Active\{1B7A10AD-9685-11EB-90E6-ECF4BB82F7E0}.dat
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\High\Active\{21A27BA3-9685-11EB-90E6-ECF4BB82F7E0}.dat
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\imagestore\po60zt0\imagestore.dat
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\History.IE5\mms\XHL20WJ3\audiohh1[1].dat
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\6xK-dSZaM9iE8KbpRA_LJ3z8mH9BOJvgkP8o18I[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\AppEsteem_Seal_Logo[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\Privacy[1].htm
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\View[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\Wave[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\analytics[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\modernizr[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\proper[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\uninstall-1[1].jpg
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\uninstall-wav2[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\verticalized[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\0MX4YUS9\wave-logo[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\6xK-dSZaM9iE8KbpRA_LJ3z8mH9BOJvgkBgv18I[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\6xK-dSZaM9iE8KbpRA_LJ3z8mH9BOJvgkM0o18I[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\Dark[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmWUlvAA[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\Support[1].htm
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\Terms[1].htm
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\css2[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\css2[2].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\css[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\fontawesome-webfont[1].eot
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2K7JPOQS\uninstall-2[1].jpg
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\Blue[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\DOPEBDP8.htm
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\Light[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\Uninstall[1].htm
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\bootstrap[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\css[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\fontawesome-webfont[1].eot
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\jquery[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\message-in-a-bottle3[1].svg
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\proper[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\uninstall-wav1[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\uninstall-wav3[1].png
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6M6D1PMD\v8[1].css
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOiCnqEu92Fr1Mu51QrIzQ[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOjCnqEu92Fr1Mu51S7ABc-[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOjCnqEu92Fr1Mu51TLBBc-[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOjCnqEu92Fr1Mu51TjARc-[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOjCnqEu92Fr1Mu51TzBhc-[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOkCnqEu92Fr1MmgWxM[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOkCnqEu92Fr1Mu52xM[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmEU9vAA[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmSU5vAA[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmYUtvAA[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\KFOmCnqEu92Fr1Me5g[1].woff
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\VAHFWDJC\js[1].js
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\~DF7FD3D292BEBED920.TMP
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\~DF9CB449726F940C42.TMP
    • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\~DFF20708508467AF7C.TMP

    If the Wave Browser malware is still in the system

    If this undesirable app keeps bothering you, and you’ve not been able to fully delete it despite completing all the steps shown in this guide, we recommend using an anti-malware tool, such as the one we’ve linked in the guide, to eliminate the PUP. It’s just that sometimes, apps like the Wave Browser create system entries in locations that are difficult to find and are thus able to remain on the computer for long, even when the user is actively trying to erase them. However, the removal tool included on this page can perform a deep scan of the entire system and find and delete everything related to the rogue app, so that the latter would have no chance of staying on your computer or automatically returning to it.

    About the author


    Lidia Howler

    Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


      • Hi, Samuel Criswell,did you go through the whole removal guide? You have to go to the removal guide carefully.

    • Hello,

      I am the system administrator for wavebrowser, a website owned by iSign International Llc. We are building a legitimate Internet browser, unfortunately another company has launched an homologous product (the one you refer to in this article) that is making things difficult.

      I’d like your help in changing the first screenshot in this guide, as it is of our website, and not the infringing piece of software found here: wavebrowser.co

      We’d appreciate it if you could update the screenshot with the correct image.

      I tried emailing your “info” email, but it bounced back.

      Thanks in advance.

      • Hi Oriol Remolina,
        thank you for the information that you have provided, we appreciate the help. We changed the picture.

      • Hi charlie R Flood,
        simply follow the Removal guide that is provided here. In Step 3 of the removal guide is explained how to restart your Windows in Safe Mode.

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