Tag - Trojan Virus


Gh0st RAT

Gh0st RAT According to some recent reports, quite a number of computers have been attacked with the Trojan called Gh0st RAT. Gh0st RAT is a sophisticated virus, which can harm the users’ system in a number of ways. Welcome to our “How to remove...


Trojan Cryxos

Cryxos A new Trojan horse virus called Cryxos has recently been reported to be attacking users and invading their computers. Hackers can program Trojans like Cryxos to accomplish pretty much anything they want. In addition to that, these viruses are...


WDF.exe CPU Miner

WDF.exe If you would like to learn how to protect your PC from a Trojan horse named WDF.exe, or you are looking for an effective way to remove it, this is the page to be on! In the text that follows, we are going to describe the most common...


Pony Malware

Pony Malware According to the experts’ classification, Pony Malware is an example of a Trojan horse virus. When it comes to programming the Pony Malware is a malicious program that could be exploited for the purpose of breaking into your device...



IMG001.exe Trojan horse viruses like IMG001.exe are very often exploited for the purpose of obtaining valuable information from the victim’s computer. This can be a very important file, or even a number of files. If so, then the virus will likely...



W97M.Downloader W97M.Downloader is malicious software that can secretly act against the interest of the affected user. Once inside the system, W97M.Downloader can keep track of keystrokes, thereby stealing sensitive user information such as...


Alureon Trojan Virus

This page aims to help you remove the Alureon Virus. Our removal instructions work for every version of Windows. The Alureon Trojan Alureon is a genuinely nasty Trojan horse virus that can cause its victims some serious potential...


Emotet Malware

One of the most devastating kinds of malware is the infamous Trojan horse type. Having such a virus on your PC can be a real pain in the neck, since it can cause all sorts of issues. Trojans are known as being extremely versatile and hackers can use...


CoNFicker Virus

CoNFicker The CoNFicker Worm falls into the Trojan horse category. CoNFicker malware really relies on your naiveté, and the vulnerabilities of your system or of the programmers installed on it. Perhaps you remember the old Greek legend about the...


Ursnif Malware

The Ursnif Malware Ursnif is a malicious program from the Trojan Horse type that can steal sensitive user information and provide hackers with remote access to the infected machine. If not removed on time, Ursnif could also destroy important digital...