Tag - mac

Mac Virus

Flashinstaller Mac

Flashinstaller Flashinstaller is a web browser application classified as a browser hijacker. Flashinstaller can attach itself to common browsers like Safari, Chrome and Firefox and can change the configurations and the behavior of these browsers...

Mac Virus

Flash Installer Mac

Flash Installer Flash Installer is a rogue browser extension for Mac-compatible web browsing programs. The type of software that Flash Installer belongs to is better known under the umbrella term of browser hijackers. The Flash Installer Virus will...

Mac Virus

Pwz2 Virus Mac

  Pwz2 Pwz2 is a browser hijacker compatible with Mac browsers that takes control of the affected browser’s settings without permission from the user. Pwz2 is primarily used as a site-promoting tool that forces page redirects in the browser in...

Mac Virus

Progress Match Mac

Progress Match Progress Match is a browser hijacker that integrates with Mac web browsers and forces them to display various ads and page-redirect prompts. Progress Match typically replaces your Safari, Chrome, Firefox’s homepage with another one...

Mac Virus

Optimal Promo Mac

Optimal Promo Optimal Promo is a page-redirecting Mac extension that is aimed at popularizing certain sites from within your browser, regardless of whether you are okay with that. Optimal Promo will ceaselessly keep opening new tabs or redirecting...

Mac Virus

Safe Search Mac

Safe Search Mac Safe Search is a Mac browser hijacker – a form of junkware focused on aggressive site-promotion through automatic page redirects. Safe Search can get installed in any Mac browser, take over its homepage and search engine, and...

Mac Virus

DocToPdf Mac

DocToPdf DocToPdf is a browser hijacking application that may change the URL of your browser’s homepage or substitute your default search engine with a new one. Furthermore, DocToPdf may spam your screen with hundreds of pay-per-click ads and might...

Mac Virus

Access Side Mac

Access Side Access Side is a web browser component that security experts categorize as a browser hijacker. Access Side attaches to popular Mac browsers such as Safari, Chrome and Firefox and makes changes to their settings and operation. Typically...

Mac Virus

Extra Device Mac

Extra Device Extra Device is an unwanted site-advertising browser extension for Mac computers known for its aggressive pop-up banners and page-redirects. The purpose of Extra Device is to provide certain sites and the products they sell with as much...

Mac Virus

Panel Notes Mac

Panel Notes Panel Notes is a new potentially unwanted Mac add-on for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox that focuses on site promotion through aggressive page redirects. Panel Notes attaches itself to the Mac’s main browser after getting installed in the...